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Last active September 16, 2024 19:46
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1password duplicate remover (alpha, only run in debugger with breakpoints everywhere *g*)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import subprocess
import sys
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import html
import dictdiffer
import iso8601
_BAD_ENTRY_KEY = '_bad_password_key'
def get_user_pw(vault_uuid: str, item_uuid: str):
item = subprocess.check_output(["/Users/amohr/bin/op", 'get', 'item', f"--vault={vault_uuid}", item_uuid])
item = json.loads(item)
details = item["details"]
if details.get('fields'):
saved_entries = set()
for field in item["details"]["fields"]:
if not field['value']:
if not "name" in field:
if "&" in field['value']: # sigh
field['value'] = html.unescape(field['value'])
item[_BAD_ENTRY_KEY] = True
saved_entries.add((field['name'], field['value']))
assert saved_entries
return saved_entries, item
if 'fields' in details:
del details['fields'] # for later comparison
assert details.keys() - {'notesPlain', 'sections'} == set()
return (item["details"], None), item
def normalize_item(item: dict):
for key in {"pbe", "ps", "pgrng"}: # PasswordBitEntropy/PasswordStrength/?
if key in item['overview']:
del item['overview'][key]
for tag in list(item["overview"].get('tags', [])):
if tag == '(none)': # sigh
if "tags" in item["overview"] and not item["overview"]["tags"]:
del item["overview"]["tags"]
for url in list(item["overview"].get("URLs", [])):
if url == {'l': ''}:
if url.get('l') == '':
url['l'] = 'website'
# old lastpass export html encoded the URLs :(
url["u"] = url["u"].lower()
if "&" in url["u"]:
url["u"] = html.unescape(url["u"])
if "url" in item["overview"]:
item["overview"]["url"] = item["overview"]["url"].lower()
if "&" in item["overview"]["url"]:
item["overview"]["url"] = html.unescape(item["overview"]["url"])
item[_BAD_ENTRY_KEY] = True
def main():
passwords = dict() # {(vault_uuid, title, user_name): item}
items = subprocess.check_output(["/Users/amohr/bin/op", 'list', 'items'])
items = json.loads(items)
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
for item in items:
if item["trashed"] != "N":
vault_uuid = item["vaultUuid"]
pw_key = (vault_uuid, item["overview"]["title"], item["overview"].get("ainfo"))
if pw_key not in passwords:
passwords[pw_key] = item
fut1 = pool.submit(get_user_pw, vault_uuid, passwords[pw_key]["uuid"])
fut2 = pool.submit(get_user_pw, vault_uuid, item["uuid"])
existing_user_pwd, existing_item = fut1.result()
item_user_pwd, item_pw = fut2.result()
if item_user_pwd == existing_user_pwd:
# TODO: support keeping version which has appIds
diff = list(dictdiffer.diff(item["overview"], passwords[pw_key]["overview"]))
if diff:
print(f"non-empty overview diff of key: {pw_key} diff: {diff}")
existing_item["createdAt"] = iso8601.parse_date(existing_item["createdAt"])
item_pw["createdAt"] = iso8601.parse_date(item_pw["createdAt"])
print(f"deleting instance of: {pw_key}")
assert not (item_pw.get(_BAD_ENTRY_KEY) and existing_item.get(_BAD_ENTRY_KEY))
# TODO: add validation of "details" section keys
if item_pw.get(_BAD_ENTRY_KEY) or (existing_item["details"].get('passwordHistory') and not item_pw["details"].get('passwordHistory')):
subprocess.check_call(["/Users/amohr/bin/op", 'delete', 'item', f"--vault={vault_uuid}", item_pw["uuid"]])
elif existing_item.get(_BAD_ENTRY_KEY) or (not existing_item["details"].get('passwordHistory') and item_pw["details"].get('passwordHistory')):
subprocess.check_call(["/Users/amohr/bin/op", 'delete', 'item', f"--vault={vault_uuid}", existing_item["uuid"]])
passwords[pw_key] = item
elif existing_item["createdAt"] <= item_pw["createdAt"]:
subprocess.check_call(["/Users/amohr/bin/op", 'delete', 'item', f"--vault={vault_uuid}", item_pw["uuid"]])
subprocess.check_call(["/Users/amohr/bin/op", 'delete', 'item', f"--vault={vault_uuid}", existing_item["uuid"]])
passwords[pw_key] = item
print(f"different: {item}, {passwords[pw_key]}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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