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Created June 16, 2020 22:11
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md: 5 steps to managing a 🥄spooney🥄 day

5 steps to managing a 🥄spooney🥄 day

A list of things I tell my spooney wife regularly enough she asked me to write it down. 🤷‍♂️

  1. Obligatory self-care
  2. Self-assessment
  3. Other-assessment
  4. Self-discipline
  5. Obligatory self-care 6. Future self-care

Obligatory self-care

The things that normal people do, or even skip, without thinking about it

  • Personal morning grooming cycle
  • Eating something to tell your body to "wake up"
  • Going outside, opening a window, fresh air etc. What we're looking for is the change in stimulus (temprature, weather, airflow) to tell your body that "now is awake time kthxbai 😽"


Is it time to go back to bed yet?

  • Physically
  • Emotionally
  • Mentally


  • How am I feeling in my body? What hurts 🔪, or whats healed 🩹?
  • Am I going to be limited today in some physical aspect?
  • Do I have the physical capacity for some task I've been postponing?


  • How am I feeling in my heart? (❣)
  • Am I going to be limited today in some emotional capacity?
  • How can I self-sooth today? 🍦 Ice cream and Knitting! 🧶


  • How am I feeling in my head? (🧠)
  • Am I going to be limited today in some intellectual capacity?
  • I can't think (This means you 😑.) Go back to the top of the list 🥄, see you when you get back ♥
  • I can think!! Hooray! 🌈 What have you been putting off? What could you do with these mental spoons? Beware overexpending other spoons because of mental spoons


What do when out of bed? 😶

  • Are there any particular things I need to avoid? Conversation until coffee ☕, lifting, stairs etc
  • Could I do something that I've been putting off, thinking about or otherwise dreaming of ☁?
  • Do I need to accept that there are tasks that will not get done today.
  • Would it be reasonable for someone else to cancel a thing if they felt how I do? Even if they were looking forward to it? (Or is it the very thing that will rejuvinate me? Either way, postponing the decision will consume spoons 🥄.)
  • Something spontaneous perhaps? Only if scheduled? Well schedule in the morning for something in the same day! Not everything will pan out, but things that do will be rewards in themselves! 🥇


Avoid overdoing it by underdoing it. Significantly

  • How can I break down my day into chunks that ensure I take enough breaks?
  • Can I do a part of a task in a way that won't make other tasks impossible
  • Is there something that I want to do, that is beyond the scope of today? Planning is a thing you can do. Don't planning and doing! 👿
  • When I take breaks, what am I going to do?
  • Am I going to need to repeat this list multiple times today? Thats ok too 🥰🤗

Obligatory self-care

Yes, twice.

  • Nightly grooming routine 🧼, medications 💊 etc
  • What small tasks could I do after retiring to "the upstairs"
  • How can I self-soothe in a way that will help me wind down?
  • Do I need some physical energy outlet? Gardening 🍅🥕? Walking 🐕?
  • Do I need some emotional outlet? Laughing 😆? Crying 😢?
  • Do I need some intellectual outlet? Journaling 📖? Reading something more challenging?

Future self-care

What could I do for future me?

  • Finishing something I started on a previous day

  • Cleaning up something from a past low day

  • Making tomorrow start well


  • Love you 💘

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