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Created May 23, 2022 11:49
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[tampermonkey] Github Projects Collapse
// ==UserScript==
// @name Github Projects Column Collapse
// @namespace
// @version 0.6
// @description Collapse empty columns on Github Projects Kanban Boards
// @author David Higgins
// @match*/*/projects/*
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function($) {
"use strict";
var DEBUG_ENABLED = false;
var debug = DEBUG_ENABLED ? console.log : f => f;
"Github Projects Column Collapse v0.6 -"
* Wrapper to get the column title.
function title(column) {
if (!DEBUG_ENABLED) return "Enable Debug";
return $(".js-project-column-name", column).text();
* Check every 1000ms for $(selector). When no results are found, call callback
function waitForNoElement(selector, callback) {
if ($(selector).length === 0) {
// debug(selector, "not found");
} else {
// debug(selector, "was found. trying again in 1000ms");
setTimeout(function() {
waitForNoElement(selector, callback);
}, 1000);
* Inject CSS into a <script> tag added to the <head>
function injectCss() {
// debug("injecting CSS");
var transitionDuration = 1; // seconds
var collapsedWidth = 20; // px
var expandedWidth = 355; // px (Default from Github)
var scale = 0.75; // Scale from 0 to 1 of how large to make the contents of the window
var inverseScale = parseFloat(1 / scale).toFixed(2) * 100; // Making the width and height using the inverse scale (0 - 100)
.prop("type", "text/css")
/* Shrink the page (Zoom out) */
.project-full-screen {
width: ${inverseScale}% !important;
height: ${inverseScale}% !important;
transform: scale(${scale});
transform-origin: 0 0;
transition: all ${transitionDuration}s ease;
transition-property: width, height, transform;
/* Set initial width, add transition to all columns */
.project-column {
max-width: ${expandedWidth}px;
min-width: ${expandedWidth}px;
transition: all ${transitionDuration}s ease;
transition-property: min-width, max-width;
.project-column .js-filtered-column-card-count {
transition: opacity ${transitionDuration}s;
.project-column .hide-sm.position-relative {
transition: opacity ${transitionDuration}s;
/* Column state when column is empty */
.project-column.empty {
max-width: ${collapsedWidth}px;
min-width: ${collapsedWidth}px;
/* Column state when column is empty and hovered or dragging */
.dragging .project-column.empty, .project-column.empty:hover {
max-width: ${expandedWidth}px;
min-width: ${expandedWidth}px;
/* Column Title state when column is empty */
.project-column.empty .hide-sm.position-relative {
opacity: 0;
/* Column Title state when column is hovered or dragging */
.dragging .project-column .hide-sm.position-relative, .project-column:hover .hide-sm.position-relative {
opacity: 1;
/* Results state when column is empty */
.project-column.empty .js-filtered-column-card-count {
opacity: 0;
/* Results state when column is hovered or dragging */
.dragging .project-column .js-filtered-column-card-count, .project-column:hover .js-filtered-column-card-count {
opacity: 1;
* Monitor $(selector) for mouse up,down,move to add or remove the '.dragging' class to the $(selector) element
function detectDragAndDrop(selector) {
var isDragging = false;
var isMouseDown = false;
function handleMouseUp() {
if (isDragging) {
// debug("mousedrag ended");
isMouseDown = false;
isDragging = false;
.mousedown(function() {
// debug("mousedown"); // Very verbose
isMouseDown = true;
isDragging = false;
.mousemove(function() {
if (!isMouseDown || isDragging) return;
// debug("mousedrag started");
isDragging = true;
// Both drop and mouseup are required as .mouseup is "eaten" by Github Javascript sometimes
// but drop doesn't handle dragging when you're not dragging according to Github Javascript (drag mouse without draggable element)
.on("drop", handleMouseUp);
* Create and start a Mutation Observer that watches a given node for DOM changes, calling callback() each time
function createColumnObserver(column, callback) {
// debug("Observing", title(column));
var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(column, {
attributes: true, // hidden/unhidden (through CSS changes) events
childList: true, // added/removed events
subtree: true // child (subtree) events
return observer;
* Debounce a function call
function debounce(wait, func, immediate) {
var timeout;
return function() {
var context = this,
args = arguments;
var later = function() {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
* Mark a column with ".empty" if it has no visible articles
function toggleCSS(column) {
// Count visible cards
var visibleCards = $(
".js-project-column-cards article:not(.d-none)",
var hasNoCards = visibleCards.length === 0;
var hasEmptyTag = $(column).hasClass("empty");
// Nothing to change
if (hasEmptyTag === hasNoCards) return;
// Add or remove the '.empty' css class
$(column).toggleClass("empty", hasNoCards);
// debug("toggleCSS", title(column), hasNoCards);
* Main entry point. Waits for page to be 'ready' then monitors columns for changes
function main() {
// debug("main");
$(document).ready(() => {
// debug("document ready");
waitForNoElement(".project-column include-fragment", () => {
// debug("all fragments loaded");
$(".project-column").each(function() {
var column = this;
// debug("Add MutationObserver to", title(column));
toggleCSS(column); // Mark starting columns that are empty
// We don't want to trigger our events too often, so we debounce them
var debouncedEvent = debounce(200, function() {
// Observe the column for changes
createColumnObserver(column, debouncedEvent);
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