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Created May 30, 2019 17:04
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D&D: Fight and Flight Cheat Sheet

Quick Reference to Airship Flight

Based on Izzys Guide to Fight and Flight

Vital Stastics

Term Meaning
Tonnage Weight of the vessel in tons
Speed feet per round = overland mph * 10
Crew Minimum #crew required for no penalties.
Passengers #passengers at a poor accomodation level
Cargo (tons) max carry capacity for no penalties
Damage Threshold damage done <= DT has no effect
Keel total length of the ship body
Beam total width of the ship body
  • Crew Penalties (DMG p119.)

    • <90% crew = top speed - 1mph
    • <50% crew = no attack actions, reactions
    • <25% crew = slowed, DISCHK
  • Cargo Penalties above max cargo

    • speed reduced to half
    • land vehicles require repairs = 1/4hp
    • water vehicles sink 5ft per round
    • air vehicles descend at 60ft per round

Taking Damage

  • vehicles performance is usually unaffected by damage until 0hp
  • at 0hp vehicle is incapacitated, and may not take actions or reactions
  • at 0hp air vehicle descends 60ft per round (unless 'wreck'd, which falls at 400ft per round)
  • at 0hp water vehicle will sink only once 'wreck'd, floundering for 1d12mins then descending at 5ft per round
  • at -1/2max hp vehicle is a wreck "beyond repair"
Variant: Damage Complications
  • at <50% hp = top speed - 1mph and roll on Damage Complications Table
  • at <25% hp = top speed - 1mph and roll on Damage Complications Table
  • non-fire based Damage Complications can be removed by +5hp healing
  • fire based Damage Complications can be removed by extinguishing the fire
  • same complication cannot occur twice. reroll
Damage Complications Table
d10 Result
1 The ship's propulsion is damaged, it is now slowed
2 One of the ship's weapon systems has failed. If the ship has no weapons, it suffers no complication.
3 The ship's cargo hold has been ruptured, (2d20)% of its cargo is lost or damaged beyond repair.
4 The rudder is locked. The ship may no longer change its course.
5 A small oil fire has ignited on the deck. The helm is now obscured by a thick black smoke.
6 The rudder is damaged. The vessel can only veer starboard.
7 The vessel's hull is damaged. Its damage threshhold is reduced by 3.
8 A munitions magazine has caught fire. The ship takes 2d6 fire damage per round until extinguished.

Saving Throws & Resistances

These saving throws, immunities and resistances do not apply to crew

  • for saving throws, use the better of either the ships, or the commanders modifier
  • vehicle has DISSAV vs damage (except during Brace for Impact)
  • saving throw damage cannot be mitigated
  • vehicle is immune to
    • dmg: poison, psychic
    • conditions: blinded, charmed, deafened, fatigued, petrified, poisoned, prone, surprise
  • vehicle is resistant to
    • dmg: cold



  • must have appropriate proficency
  • must start turn behind the helm
  • crew must be >= indifferent toward commander
  • crew must be willing to obey
  • uses their actions to instruct the vehicle on their initiative

Attack Actions

Attack Action Effect
Attack fire prepared ordinance
Full Speed Ahead move +1/2(set speed) this round
Brace for Impact until SONT GRANTDISATK, Normal SAV vs damage
Hard to Port/Starboard rotate 45deg in addition to course adjustment
Ready same as usual readied action

Move Actions

Move Action Effect
Set Speed vehicle moves its speed at end of turn
may only change speed by +/- 1/4 max speed each turn
movement must be in a straight line
max reverse speed is 1mph
Ramming at >= 20ft speed, ram as a free action
if tonnage > double target tonnage, ADVATK and damage is doubled
if tonnage < half target tonnage, DISATK and damage is halved
after ramming, opposed STRCHK.
- if target succeeds, ramming vehicle move speed becomes 0
- if target fails, target pushed equal to 1/2 set speed and ramming vehicle move speed halved
- if target fails by >=10, ramming vehicle move speed unaffected
after attack, ramming vessel bay adjust course as a free action with DM allowance
if speed remaining after ram >= 20ft additional ram attacks may be made
at < 20ft speed, no attack, vehicle move speed becomes 0
Cast or Raise Anchor while anchor cast
- ADVSAV vs movement
- move speed becomes 0
- changing takes effect at SONT

Other Actions

  • Adjust Course (B)
    • rotate +-45deg before, after or any time during move
    • set speed must be >0
  • Reactions
    • only used for Readied action
    • vehicle cannot make opportunity attacks
    • spells and attacks which deny reactions have no effect on vehicle (but can effect commander)

Other Character Roles

  • Man Weapon Station

    • ship no longer controls weapon on its turn
    • PC may operate weapon on their turn
    • Attack uses the better modifier between ship and crew
    • No special proficency is required
  • Damage Control

    • character may grant vehicle 5 temp hp
    • temp hp increased to 10 if character has prof with appropriate tool set

Further Reading

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