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thehotrod / gist:4c4c4170a735733cd745
Last active February 5, 2016 08:45
Script for Logging Data from Nest and WeatherUnderground to Google Sheets
function doGet() {
// you only need to modify the next six lines of this code then publish web app. Replace the XXXX's with your info
var email = 'XXXXXXXXXX'; //what you use to login to nest
var password = 'XXXXXXX' ////what you use to login to nest
var State = 'XX'; // WeatherUnderground State Name. 2 letter State name or Country ID
var City = 'XXXXXXXXX'; // Enter your WeatherUnderground City Name. Or your local station ID. Should look like this 'pws:localID'
var APIKey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' // get your free WeatherUnderground APIKey and enter it here
var sheetid = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; //on your spreadsheet url its everything between /d/ <sheet id> /edit
/* to publish web app just: