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Last active March 22, 2018 22:15
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Claws piping example

Claws was originally built because I had to scratch my own itch, which is to say I was implementing a WebSocket API for a project of mine, Ripple (not the cryptocurrency!) and there was no good command-line WS client that wasn't completely barebones. So that's really how the project was born.

Here's an example of the piping feature, using the Ripple WS API. It's really only to demonstrate what it can do (I needed something I could build in a reasonable amount of time and that was easily understandable :P). But, with programming, the sky is the limit, so create your own scripts to serve your purpose!

If you want to try it out for yourself, download, place it in e.g. ~/scripts, then add to ~/.config/claws.json:

	"Pipe": {
		"In": [
			"bash", "/home/howl/scripts/"
		"Out": null

(Of course, change the username :P)

Then open claws, connect to wss://, and send {"type": "subscribe_scores", "data": []}. Unless you're sending the message at three AM, you should start receiving new scores that will be run through the script first, as shown in the screenshot above.

# Take the data from stdin.
data="$(cat -)"
# Using jq (, get the type of the message.
# We use -r, so that there are no quotes around the resulting string.
message_type="$(echo "$data" | jq -r .type)"
# Handle the different kinds of messages from the API.
case "$message_type" in
pong) echo "Pong!" ;;
subscribed_to_scores) echo "Subscribed!" ;;
new_score) echo "New score made by $(echo "$data" | jq -r .data.user.username )" ;;
*) echo "idk: $data" ;;
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