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Summary: Grokfast: Accelerated Grokking by Amplifying Slow Gradients


Can you give me a very clear explanation of the core assertions, implications, and mechanics elucidated in this paper?


Certainly! Here's a clear and concise breakdown of the core assertions, implications, and mechanics presented in the paper "Grokfast: Accelerated Grokking by Amplifying Slow Gradients":

Core Assertions

  1. Grokking Phenomenon:

    • Grokking is a phenomenon where a machine learning model achieves delayed generalization, i.e., it generalizes well long after it has overfitted to the training data.
    • This delayed generalization typically requires a large number of training iterations, making it computationally expensive and less practical.
  2. Gradient Decomposition:

    • The paper asserts that the gradients of model parameters during training can be decomposed into two components:
      • Fast-varying component: Contributes to rapid overfitting.
      • Slow-varying component: Contributes to slow generalization.
  3. Acceleration Hypothesis:

    • By amplifying the slow-varying component of the gradients, the generalization process can be accelerated, reducing the number of training iterations required for grokking.


  1. Practical Utility:

    • Accelerating the grokking phenomenon makes it more practical for machine learning practitioners who are often constrained by computational resources.
    • Faster generalization can lead to more efficient training processes and quicker deployment of models.
  2. Broader Applicability:

    • The proposed method is shown to be effective across various tasks and model architectures, including those involving images, languages, and graphs.
    • This suggests that the approach is broadly applicable and not limited to specific types of data or models.
  3. Synergistic Effects:

    • The paper also finds that combining the proposed gradient amplification method with other techniques like weight decay can further enhance the acceleration of grokking.


  1. Gradient Filtering:

    • The core mechanism involves applying a low-pass filter to the gradients during training to amplify the slow-varying components.
    • Two types of filters are proposed:
      • Moving Average (MA) Filter: Averages the gradients over a fixed window size.
      • Exponential Moving Average (EMA) Filter: Applies an exponential decay to past gradients, requiring less memory and computational overhead.
  2. Algorithm Implementation:

    • The algorithms (Grokfast-MA and Grokfast-EMA) are simple to implement, requiring only a few additional lines of code in existing training loops.
    • These filters modify the gradients before they are used by the optimizer, effectively guiding the model towards faster generalization.
  3. Empirical Validation:

    • The paper provides empirical evidence showing that the proposed methods can accelerate grokking by up to 50 times in various tasks.
    • Detailed experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach, including ablation studies to understand the impact of different hyperparameters.


The paper "Grokfast: Accelerated Grokking by Amplifying Slow Gradients" introduces a novel method to accelerate the grokking phenomenon by amplifying the slow-varying components of gradients during training. This approach is shown to be effective across different tasks and models, making it a practical tool for machine learning practitioners. The proposed gradient filtering techniques are simple to implement and can significantly reduce the number of training iterations required for a model to generalize well, thereby making the training process more efficient.


Can you explain the value of this in basic terms? Like you're talking to a CEO. So what? What's the bottom line here?


Absolutely, let's break it down in simple terms:

The Problem

  • Grokking: This is a situation where a machine learning model takes a very long time to start performing well on new, unseen data after it has already learned to perform perfectly on the training data. This delayed improvement is costly because it requires a lot of computational power and time.

The Solution

  • Grokfast: Our method speeds up this delayed improvement process dramatically. By tweaking how the model learns, we can make it start performing well on new data much faster.

The Value

  1. Cost Savings:

    • Less Computational Power: By reducing the number of training iterations needed, we save on electricity and wear-and-tear on expensive hardware.
    • Time Efficiency: Faster training means quicker deployment of models, which can be crucial in competitive markets.
  2. Broader Applicability:

    • Versatility: This method works across various types of data and models, making it a broadly applicable solution for different machine learning tasks.
  3. Enhanced Performance:

    • Better Results: Not only does the model learn faster, but it can also achieve better performance, leading to more accurate and reliable predictions.

Bottom Line

  • Faster, Cheaper, Better: Grokfast makes machine learning models learn faster, which saves money and time, and often results in better-performing models. This can give your company a competitive edge by enabling quicker and more cost-effective deployment of advanced AI solutions.


Can you give me an analogy or metaphor that will help explain this to a broad audience?


Sure, let's use a metaphor involving a student learning a new subject:

The Problem: The Slow Learner

Imagine you have a student who is trying to learn a complex subject, like advanced mathematics. Initially, the student spends a lot of time memorizing formulas and solving practice problems (overfitting to training data). However, it takes a very long time before the student starts to understand the underlying concepts and can apply them to new, unseen problems (generalization). This slow transition from memorization to true understanding is costly in terms of time and effort.

The Solution: The Super Tutor

Now, imagine you hire a super tutor who has a special technique. This tutor doesn't just help the student memorize formulas faster; instead, they focus on reinforcing the fundamental concepts from the very beginning. They identify the key principles that will help the student understand the subject deeply and apply this understanding to new problems much sooner.

The Value: Accelerated Learning

  1. Time Savings:

    • Faster Understanding: The student grasps the core concepts much quicker, reducing the overall time needed to become proficient.
  2. Cost Efficiency:

    • Less Tutoring Needed: Because the student learns faster, you spend less on tutoring sessions.
  3. Better Performance:

    • Higher Grades: The student not only learns faster but also performs better on tests and real-world applications.

Bottom Line

  • Efficient Learning: The super tutor's method makes the student a faster, more efficient learner, saving time and money while achieving better results.

Grokfast in Machine Learning

In the world of machine learning, Grokfast is like that super tutor. It tweaks the learning process of models so they understand and generalize faster, saving computational resources and time, and often leading to better performance. This means quicker, cheaper, and more effective deployment of AI solutions for your business.


Can you provide a specific example that best illustrates the key points elucidated in this paper?


Certainly! Let's use a specific example from the paper to illustrate the key points:

Example: Modular Multiplication Task

The Problem

  • Task: Train a machine learning model to perform modular multiplication, e.g., ( x \times y \mod 97 ).
  • Model: A two-layer Transformer, a type of neural network.
  • Issue: The model initially overfits to the training data quickly but takes a very long time to start performing well on new, unseen data (grokking phenomenon).

The Solution: Grokfast

  • Approach: Apply a technique called Grokfast, which involves modifying the training process to amplify the slow-varying components of the gradients. This is done using a low-pass filter on the gradients during training.

The Mechanics

  1. Gradient Filtering:
    • Moving Average (MA) Filter: Averages the gradients over a fixed window size.
    • Exponential Moving Average (EMA) Filter: Applies an exponential decay to past gradients.
  2. Implementation:
    • The filter is applied to the gradients before they are used by the optimizer, effectively guiding the model towards faster generalization.

The Results

  • Baseline: Without Grokfast, the model takes 39,890 iterations to start generalizing well.
  • With Grokfast: The model starts generalizing well after just 790 iterations, achieving a 50-fold reduction in the number of training iterations.

The Value

  1. Cost Savings:
    • Less Computational Power: Reducing the number of iterations from 39,890 to 790 saves significant computational resources.
    • Time Efficiency: Faster training means the model can be deployed much sooner.
  2. Broader Applicability:
    • Versatility: This method works across various types of data and models, not just modular multiplication.
  3. Enhanced Performance:
    • Better Results: The model not only learns faster but also achieves better performance on unseen data.

Bottom Line

  • Faster, Cheaper, Better: Grokfast makes the model learn faster, which saves money and time, and often results in better-performing models. This can give your company a competitive edge by enabling quicker and more cost-effective deployment of advanced AI solutions.

Specific Example Summary

In this specific example, Grokfast dramatically reduced the training time for a model learning modular multiplication, illustrating how the technique can make machine learning more efficient and practical for real-world applications.

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