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Summary: The Prompt Report: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Techniques


Can you give me a very clear explanation of the core assertions, implications, and mechanics elucidated in this paper?


Certainly! Here’s a clear breakdown of the core assertions, implications, and mechanics elucidated in the paper "The Prompt Report: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Techniques":

Core Assertions

  1. Importance of Prompting: Prompting is a critical method for interacting with Generative AI (GenAI) systems, significantly impacting their performance across various tasks.
  2. Need for Standardization: The field of prompting is nascent and lacks standardized terminology and a structured understanding, leading to confusion and inefficiencies.
  3. Diverse Techniques: There exists a wide range of prompting techniques, each with unique benefits and applications, but these techniques are not uniformly understood or applied.
  4. Evaluation and Security: Proper evaluation of prompting techniques and addressing security concerns are essential for the effective and safe deployment of GenAI systems.


  1. Improved Performance: Better understanding and application of prompting techniques can lead to improved performance of GenAI systems across tasks like text generation, translation, and reasoning.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Standardized terminology and a structured taxonomy can facilitate better collaboration among researchers and practitioners, leading to more rapid advancements in the field.
  3. Security Risks: Awareness of security risks, such as prompt injection and jailbreaking, is crucial for developing robust defenses and ensuring the safe use of GenAI systems.
  4. Evaluation Frameworks: Developing and adopting robust evaluation frameworks can help in consistently measuring the effectiveness of different prompting techniques, leading to more reliable and trustworthy AI systems.


  1. Prompting Techniques: The paper categorizes 58 text-based prompting techniques into six major categories, including In-Context Learning (ICL), Zero-Shot, Thought Generation, Decomposition, Ensembling, and Self-Criticism. Each technique has specific methods and use cases.

    • In-Context Learning (ICL): Uses exemplars within the prompt to guide the model’s output without retraining.
    • Zero-Shot: Involves providing the model with instructions or questions without exemplars.
    • Thought Generation: Encourages the model to articulate its reasoning process (e.g., Chain-of-Thought prompting).
    • Decomposition: Breaks down complex problems into simpler sub-questions.
    • Ensembling: Uses multiple prompts to solve the same problem and aggregates the responses.
    • Self-Criticism: Involves the model critiquing its own outputs to improve accuracy.
  2. Evaluation: The paper discusses various methods for evaluating the outputs of GenAI systems, including:

    • Prompting Techniques: Using specific prompting methods to guide the evaluation process.
    • Output Format: Defining the format in which the model’s output should be evaluated (e.g., Likert scales, binary scores).
    • Prompting Frameworks: Developing frameworks like LLM-EVAL and G-EVAL to standardize the evaluation process.
    • Other Methodologies: Using batch prompting and pairwise evaluation to improve efficiency and reliability.
  3. Security: The paper highlights the importance of addressing security concerns in prompting, such as:

    • Prompt Injection: Overriding developer instructions with user input.
    • Jailbreaking: Getting the model to perform unintended actions.
    • Hardening Measures: Implementing defenses like prompt-based defenses, guardrails, and detectors to mitigate security risks.
  4. Case Study: The paper includes a detailed case study on prompt engineering for detecting entrapment in suicidal text, illustrating the iterative process of developing effective prompts and the challenges involved.


The paper provides a comprehensive survey of prompting techniques, emphasizing the need for standardization and robust evaluation methods. It highlights the diverse applications and benefits of different prompting techniques while addressing the critical issue of security in GenAI systems. The detailed case study offers practical insights into the prompt engineering process, demonstrating the complexities and potential of effective prompting.


Can you explain the value of this in basic terms? Like you're talking to a CEO. So what? What's the bottom line here?


Absolutely, here’s a simplified explanation aimed at a CEO:

Bottom Line

Unlocking the Full Potential of AI with Better Prompts

  1. Enhanced Performance: By understanding and applying the right prompting techniques, we can significantly improve the performance of AI systems. This means more accurate, reliable, and useful outputs, whether it’s for generating text, translating languages, or solving complex problems.

  2. Standardization and Efficiency: The field of prompting is currently a bit chaotic with no standard terms or methods. By creating a structured understanding and standardized terminology, we can streamline research and development, making it easier for teams to collaborate and innovate.

  3. Security and Trust: AI systems are vulnerable to certain types of attacks that can make them behave in unintended ways. This paper highlights these risks and suggests ways to mitigate them, ensuring that our AI systems are secure and trustworthy.

  4. Better Evaluation: Developing robust methods to evaluate AI outputs ensures that we can consistently measure and improve the effectiveness of our AI systems. This leads to more reliable products and services.

Why It Matters to You

  1. Competitive Advantage: By leveraging advanced prompting techniques, we can build AI systems that outperform competitors, offering superior products and services to our customers.

  2. Cost Efficiency: Standardized methods and better evaluation frameworks mean less trial and error, saving time and resources in AI development.

  3. Risk Management: Understanding and mitigating security risks associated with AI prompts protects our company from potential vulnerabilities and reputational damage.

  4. Innovation and Growth: A structured approach to prompting opens up new possibilities for AI applications, driving innovation and enabling us to explore new markets and opportunities.


Investing in understanding and applying these advanced prompting techniques can lead to more powerful, efficient, and secure AI systems, giving us a significant edge in the market and ensuring we deliver the best possible outcomes for our business and customers.


Can you give me an analogy or metaphor that will help explain this to a broad audience?


Sure! Here’s an analogy that might help explain the value of advanced prompting techniques to a broad audience:

Analogy: The Orchestra Conductor

Imagine an orchestra preparing for a big concert. The musicians are all highly skilled, but they need a conductor to guide them to play in harmony and produce a beautiful symphony. Without a good conductor, the music might be disjointed, with each musician playing their own part without coordination.

AI as the Orchestra: Think of the AI system as the orchestra. It has immense potential and capabilities, but it needs clear instructions to perform at its best.

Prompts as the Conductor: The prompts are like the conductor’s baton. They guide the AI, telling it what to focus on, how to interpret the data, and how to produce the desired output. Just as a skilled conductor can bring out the best in an orchestra, well-crafted prompts can bring out the best in an AI system.

Standardized Techniques as Sheet Music: Standardized prompting techniques are like the sheet music that ensures everyone is on the same page. They provide a common language and structure, making it easier for different teams to work together and innovate.

Security Measures as the Concert Hall’s Safety Protocols: Security measures in prompting are like the safety protocols in a concert hall. They ensure that everything runs smoothly and that the performance isn’t disrupted by unforeseen issues.

Evaluation as the Audience’s Applause: Evaluation frameworks are like the audience’s applause. They provide feedback on how well the performance went, helping the orchestra (or AI system) understand what worked well and what needs improvement.

Bottom Line

Just as a conductor, sheet music, safety protocols, and audience feedback are essential for a successful concert, advanced prompting techniques, standardization, security measures, and robust evaluation are crucial for maximizing the potential of AI systems. They ensure that the AI performs harmoniously, efficiently, and securely, delivering outstanding results.


Can you provide a specific example that best illustrates the key points elucidated in this paper?


Certainly! Let’s use a specific example to illustrate the key points from the paper: Detecting Suicidal Intent in Social Media Posts.

Example: Detecting Suicidal Intent in Social Media Posts


Imagine we are developing an AI system to help mental health professionals identify individuals at risk of suicide based on their social media posts. This is a critical task where accuracy and reliability are paramount.

Key Points Illustrated

  1. Enhanced Performance through Prompting Techniques

    • Problem: The AI needs to accurately detect signs of suicidal intent, which can be subtle and nuanced.
    • Solution: By using advanced prompting techniques like Few-Shot Prompting and Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting, we can significantly improve the AI’s ability to understand and interpret these signs.
    • Example: Instead of just asking the AI, “Is this post indicative of suicidal intent?”, we use Few-Shot Prompting by providing several examples of posts with and without suicidal intent. We also use CoT Prompting to make the AI explain its reasoning step-by-step, ensuring it considers all relevant factors.
  2. Standardization and Efficiency

    • Problem: Different teams working on the AI might use different methods and terminologies, leading to inconsistencies and inefficiencies.
    • Solution: By adopting standardized prompting techniques and terminology, we ensure that everyone is on the same page, making collaboration smoother and more effective.
    • Example: Using a standardized prompt template that includes specific instructions and examples helps different teams quickly understand and apply the same methods, reducing the learning curve and speeding up development.
  3. Security and Trust

    • Problem: The AI could be vulnerable to prompt injection attacks, where malicious users manipulate the AI to produce harmful outputs.
    • Solution: Implementing security measures like Guardrails and Detectors helps mitigate these risks, ensuring the AI remains trustworthy and safe to use.
    • Example: Adding specific instructions in the prompt to ignore any user input that tries to override the original instructions, and using detectors to flag and block suspicious inputs.
  4. Better Evaluation

    • Problem: We need a reliable way to measure the AI’s performance to ensure it’s accurately detecting suicidal intent.
    • Solution: Developing robust evaluation frameworks that use techniques like Self-Consistency and Role-Based Evaluation helps us consistently measure and improve the AI’s effectiveness.
    • Example: Using Self-Consistency, we prompt the AI multiple times with the same post and take the majority response as the final answer. Role-Based Evaluation involves having the AI take on different perspectives (e.g., a mental health professional, a concerned friend) to provide a more comprehensive assessment.

Bottom Line

By leveraging advanced prompting techniques, standardizing methods, implementing security measures, and developing robust evaluation frameworks, we can create an AI system that accurately and reliably detects suicidal intent in social media posts. This not only enhances the AI’s performance but also ensures it is safe, trustworthy, and efficient, ultimately helping save lives.

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