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Summary: Stream of Search (SoS): Learning to Search in Language


Can you give me a very clear explanation of the core assertions, implications, and mechanics elucidated in this paper?


Certainly! The paper "Stream of Search (SoS): Learning to Search in Language" by Gandhi et al. introduces a novel framework for training language models to effectively engage in search-based problem solving. Here's a breakdown of the core assertions, implications, and mechanics discussed in the paper:

Core Assertions:

  1. Learning from Mistakes and Search Process: Traditional language models are trained primarily on correct outcomes, missing out on the learning opportunities presented by the process of searching, including the exploration of wrong paths and backtracking. The authors assert that exposing language models to the entire search process (including mistakes and backtracking) can enhance their problem-solving capabilities.

  2. Unified Language for Search: The paper proposes a unified language to represent various search strategies. This language captures the dynamics of search processes, including state exploration, backtracking, and goal checking, in a serialized textual format.

  3. Improvement Over Traditional Models: By training language models on these "streams of search" (SoS), which include diverse and suboptimal search paths, the models not only perform better in search tasks but also develop an internal mechanism to simulate and navigate complex search spaces effectively.


  1. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Language models trained with the SoS approach can solve complex problems more effectively than those trained only on optimal solutions. They learn to navigate through the search space more flexibly and can even discover new search strategies.

  2. Potential for Generalization: The SoS-trained models show potential for generalization across different types of problems, suggesting that this training methodology could be applied to a wide range of domains beyond the specific game of Countdown used in the experiments.

  3. Self-Improvement and Policy Enhancement: The models can self-improve by refining their search strategies through methods like Advantage-Induced Policy Alignment (APA) and Self-Taught Reasoner (STaR), leading to better performance on previously unsolvable problems.


  1. Stream of Search Dataset: The authors generate a dataset of search trajectories using various heuristic-based symbolic search strategies. These trajectories include both successful and unsuccessful paths, providing a rich training set that reflects the messy reality of problem-solving.

  2. Training Language Models: The models are trained on this dataset to predict the next steps in a search trajectory. This training involves not just predicting the correct actions but also learning the structure and strategy of searching.

  3. Policy Improvement Techniques: After the initial training, the models are further fine-tuned using policy improvement techniques like APA and STaR. These techniques refine the models' ability to choose effective search paths, based on feedback from their performance.

  4. Evaluation and Analysis: The models are evaluated on their ability to solve new problems and their alignment with various symbolic search strategies. This analysis helps in understanding how the models are navigating the search space and whether they are developing novel strategies.


The paper presents a significant shift in how language models can be trained for problem-solving tasks. By integrating the process of search into the training data, the models learn not just to predict outcomes but to engage actively in the search process. This approach potentially opens up new avenues for using language models in complex decision-making and planning tasks across various domains.


Can you explain the value of this in basic terms? Like you're talking to a CEO. So what? What's the bottom line here?


Certainly! Let's break down the value of the "Stream of Search" (SoS) approach in straightforward terms, focusing on the practical implications for business and technology:

Bottom Line Benefits:

  1. Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities:

    • What: Language models trained using the SoS method can handle complex problem-solving tasks more effectively than traditional models.
    • So What: This means that AI systems can tackle a broader range of challenges, from optimizing logistics to automating complex decision-making processes in real-time, with less human intervention.
  2. Reduced Need for Perfect Data:

    • What: The SoS approach trains models on both successful and unsuccessful attempts at solving problems.
    • So What: AI can learn from imperfect or incomplete data, making it more robust and adaptable to real-world scenarios where data is rarely clean or complete. This reduces the time and cost associated with data preparation.
  3. Continuous Learning and Improvement:

    • What: Models trained with SoS can improve themselves by learning from their own experiences, using techniques like APA and STaR.
    • So What: Your AI systems can become more efficient over time, reducing the need for constant manual updates and maintenance. This leads to smarter systems that keep pace with changing business environments and requirements.
  4. Innovation in Problem Solving:

    • What: SoS-trained models have the potential to discover new ways to solve problems that were previously unsolvable.
    • So What: This capability can lead to breakthrough innovations in your business processes, potentially creating significant competitive advantages and new opportunities in your industry.
  5. Scalability and Flexibility:

    • What: The SoS method is not tied to a specific type of problem, meaning it can be applied across various domains and challenges.
    • So What: You can leverage the same AI technology across different parts of your business, from finance and operations to customer service and marketing, ensuring a consistent and scalable AI strategy.

Strategic Implications:

  • Competitive Edge: By adopting SoS in your AI initiatives, your company can lead in efficiency and innovation, staying ahead of competitors who may be using less advanced methods.
  • Cost Efficiency: Over time, the self-improving nature of SoS-trained models can decrease the costs associated with human oversight and iterative training processes.
  • Risk Management: Enhanced problem-solving capabilities mean better forecasting, anomaly detection, and decision-making, reducing risks and unexpected costs.

Conclusion for a CEO:

Investing in AI technologies that incorporate the Stream of Search approach could transform your business operations by making them more intelligent, adaptable, and efficient. This isn't just about keeping up with technology trends; it's about actively pushing the boundaries of what your business can achieve with AI, leading to tangible improvements in productivity, innovation, and competitive positioning.


Can you give me an analogy or metaphor that will help explain this to a broad audience?


Certainly! Let's use the metaphor of training a chef to explain the concept of the "Stream of Search" (SoS) approach in training language models:

Traditional Training (Optimal Path Only):

Imagine you're training a chef only by showing them recipes that work perfectly every time. They learn to follow these recipes exactly but never experience what happens when something goes wrong. If they encounter an unexpected situation, like missing ingredients or a malfunctioning oven, they might struggle because they've only learned to follow the perfect recipe.

Stream of Search Training:

Now, imagine training a chef by letting them experiment in the kitchen, trying different combinations of ingredients, sometimes succeeding and sometimes failing. They learn not just the recipes but also how to adapt when things don't go as planned. They understand why certain combinations work and others don’t, and they can innovate new dishes or salvage a meal that's going awry.

Applying the Metaphor:

  • Traditional Training: This is like traditional language model training, where the model learns from perfect data but might not handle unexpected situations well because it hasn't learned the underlying principles or how to recover from errors.
  • Stream of Search Training: This approach trains models on a variety of outcomes, including errors and suboptimal paths. Like the chef who experiments and learns from failures, the model learns to navigate complex problems, adapt strategies, and even innovate solutions, making it far more capable and versatile.

Bottom Line for a Broad Audience:

Just as a chef becomes better by learning from both successes and mistakes, AI models trained with the Stream of Search approach become more adept at solving real-world problems. They're not just repeating what they've seen; they're learning to think and adapt on their own. This makes them incredibly valuable for tackling a wide range of challenges, from everyday tasks to complex, unprecedented problems.


Can you provide a specific example that best illustrates the key points elucidated in this paper?


Certainly! Let's consider a specific example that illustrates the key points of the "Stream of Search" (SoS) approach using the game of Countdown, which is used in the paper to demonstrate the methodology.

Background on the Countdown Game:

In the game of Countdown, players are given a set of numbers and a target number. The goal is to use any combination of arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) on the given numbers to reach the target number. The challenge lies in figuring out the correct sequence of operations among many possible combinations.

Traditional Training Approach:

Imagine training a language model to solve Countdown problems by only showing it the correct sequence of operations for each problem. This model learns to replicate these sequences but doesn't understand why they work or what to do if the sequence doesn't directly apply. It's akin to memorizing answers without understanding the underlying math.

Stream of Search Approach:

Now, let's apply the SoS approach:

  1. Diverse Training Data: Instead of just the correct sequences, the model is also exposed to various attempts to solve the problems, including wrong turns and backtracking. For example, the model sees attempts where a player starts with a promising operation but then hits a dead end and needs to backtrack and try a different approach.

  2. Learning from Mistakes: By observing where and why certain attempts fail, the model learns not just how to solve the problem when everything goes right but also how to pivot and recover when initial attempts don't lead to the target. This is similar to a chess player learning not just winning strategies but also how to escape from disadvantageous positions.

  3. Self-Improvement: After initial training, the model can be fine-tuned with techniques like Advantage-Induced Policy Alignment (APA) and Self-Taught Reasoner (STaR), where it improves based on feedback from its own performance. This iterative process enhances its problem-solving strategies, making it more adept at finding solutions and potentially developing novel methods that weren't part of the original training data.

Specific Example:

Suppose the target number is 50, and the available numbers are [2, 10, 25, 5]. A straightforward solution might be to multiply 10 by 5 to get 50. However, during training, the model might also see and learn from sequences like:

  • Attempting 25 + 25 = 50 (which fails because there's only one 25),
  • Trying 2 * 25 = 50 (which works and provides an alternative solution),
  • Exploring and backtracking from less direct paths like (10 * 2) + 25 + 5, which doesn't lead to the target.


Through the SoS approach, the model learns a deeper understanding of the problem space, including how to navigate through it efficiently and how to recover from less optimal paths. This results in a more robust, flexible, and capable system, much like a well-rounded chef who can adapt to various kitchen scenarios rather than just following recipes. This approach prepares the model not just to solve the problems it has seen but to tackle new, unseen challenges creatively and effectively.

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