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Created June 5, 2012 05:42
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Save thehydroimpulse/2872907 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Laravel task generator. Models, Migrations and Controllers.
* @copyright 2012 TheHydroImpulse, Daniel Fagnan
* @version 0.1
* @todo Add an overwite ability. Among other things.
* @note Use this as you wish. Extend it, Mash it. Enjoy it.
* Generate Task
* Methods: Help, Controller, Model
* Controller -> generates a new controller with empty methods if specified.
* Model -> generates a migration for the new table, and a model file for the new table.
* Help -> Displays the commands.
class Generate_Task {
public function run($arguments)
//Run the help;
public function help($arguments)
// Print out the help;
echo "\n\n======== Generate Help =========
\n controller => :name, (:methods) \n Creates a new controller.
\n model => :name, (colum_name:type[numeric_length])
\n scaffolding => TODO
\n\n============ End ===============
* Generates a new controller.
* @param Array $arguments Contains the name and methods.
* @return
public function controller($arguments)
// Make sure there are arguments. Minimum is the name.
if(count($arguments) == 0)
// Exit;
echo "Error: No arguments given.";
return false;
// Create the new controller file name.
$filename = $arguments[0]. ".php";
// Create a CamelCase class name and it's suffix.
$name = ucfirst($arguments[0]) . '_Controller';
// Delete it from the array so
// we can loop through the rest of the
// arguments later.
// Make sure there are more arguments.
if(count($arguments) !== 0)
// Create the methods string.
$methods = '';
// Loop through the rest of the arguments.
foreach($arguments as $m)
// Seperate the argument with a ":". Right Side == Action (e.i action, post, get, put) Left Side == Method name.
$explode = explode(':', $m);
// Get the method_name as the first index.
$method_name = $explode[0];
// Get the action for the second index, by default it's action
// if none are presented.
$action = (isset($explode[1])) ? $explode[1] : 'action';
// Create the method with the action and method name.
$methods .= "
\n public function ".$action."_$method_name()
} // ./foreach
} // ./if
// Create the beginning of the controller file with the class extending the base_controller.
// TODO: Add an option to extend a custom class???
$controller = "<?php
\nclass $name extends Base_Controller{ $methods
// Create the new path for the controller, and append the filename we
// created earlier.
$path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '\\..\\controllers\\') . '\\' . $filename;
// Check if the file exists or not.
// TODO: Add an overwrite ability.
// Create the file.
file_put_contents($path, $controller);
// Exit;
echo "Controller already exists.";
// TODO: Add an overwrite ability.
* Generates a new controller.
* @param Array $arguments Contains the name and fields.
* @return
public function model($arguments)
// Check if there are any arguments.
if(count($arguments) == 0)
// Exit;
echo "Error: No arguments given.";
return false;
// Create the filename with the first argument being the name of the model.
$filename = $arguments[0]. ".php";
// Create half of the migration filename. We will need to prefix it with // the date and the path.
$mfilename = 'create_' . Str::plural(strtolower($arguments[0])). "_table.php";
// Get a CamelCase version of the name for the class name.
$name = ucfirst($arguments[0]);
// Get a plural definition of the name.
$uname = Str::plural($arguments[0]);
// Delete it from the array so we can loop through the rest of the arguments.
// Create a new schema. With the plural name of the model for the table.
$schema = '
Schema::create(\''.$uname.'\', function($table){
// Create the migration beginning. With a class.
$migration = "<?php
class Create_".$name."s_Table{
// Check to see if there are any arguments passed.
if(count($arguments) !== 0)
// Set the fields variable.
$fields = null;
// Append an increment 'id'. This is set on ALL tables by default.
$fields .= " \$table->increments('id');";
//Loop through each arguments to set their schema and properties.
foreach($arguments as $m)
// Seperate the argument by a ":". Left Side == Value, Right Side == Type.
$explode = explode(':', $m);
// Set the field name to the first index.
$field_name = $explode[0];
// Set the type to the second index if it's available. Otherwise default to a 'string'.
$type = (isset($explode[1])) ? $explode[1] : 'string';
// Getting the length:
$length_explode = explode("[", $type);
$type = $length_explode[0];
* If there's more than one index, that means they included a * length delimeter.
if(count($length_explode) > 1)
//Yup there's a length! But replace the last "]" with blank.
$length = str_replace("]", "", $length_explode[1]);
} // ./count
// Check which type and use the following code.
case "integer":
$default_length = (isset($length) && is_numeric($length)) ? $length : 11;
$fields .= "\n \$table->integer('$field_name');";
$fields .= "\n \$table->integer('$field_name', $length);";
case "string":
$default_length = (isset($length) && is_numeric($length)) ? $length : 100;
$fields .= "\n \$table->string('$field_name', $default_length);";
$fields .= "\n \$table->string('$field_name', $default_length);";
case "boolean":
$fields .= "\n \$table->boolean('$field_name');";
case "timestamp":
$fields .= "\n \$table->timestamp('$field_name');";
case "text":
$fields .= "\n \$table->text('$field_name');";
$fields .= "\n \$table->text('$field_name', $length);";
case "blob":
$fields .= "\n \$table->blob('$field_name');";
case "float":
$fields .= "\n \$table->float('$field_name');";
case "date":
$fields .= "\n \$table->date('$field_name');";
} // ./switch
} // ./foreach
// Add the timestamps;
$fields .= "\n \$table->timestamps();";
// Append the fields set in the switch statement to the schema block.
$schema .= $fields;
} // ./if
// Append the closing }, and ) for the closure, and function call.
$schema .= "\n });";
// Append the "up" method that now contains the newly
// created schema.
$migration .= "
\n public function up()
// Append the migration file with a closing "}", which ends the class.
$migration .= "\n}";
// Get the path to the migration folder, and create the new file name by
// prefixing the current date to the file.
$mpath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '\\..\\migrations\\') . '\\' . date('Y_m_d_His') . "_" . $mfilename;
// Check if the file already exists, which will always return false
// since the date and time will always be different.
// TODO: Find a better way???
// Write the new migration file.
file_put_contents($mpath, $migration);
// The migration file has already been created.
// This will always return FALSE right now.
echo "The migration already exists.";
// Close.
* Next Step: Create the model file.
// Start the file with a php tag and the opening class with the model name.
$model = "<?php
\nclass $name extends Eloquent{
// Find the path to the models directory, and append the new file name.
$path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '\\..\\models\\') . '\\' . $filename;
// Check if the model has already been created.
// Return false if it has.
// TODO: Maybe add an overwrite option??
// TODO: Delete the previously created migration file, if the model
// creation fails.
// Create the new model file.
file_put_contents($path, $model);
// Ooops.
echo "Model already exists.";
// TODO: Add the overwrite command???
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Thanks for the change. I'll update the gist.

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