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Last active June 25, 2020 09:12
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Dynamically Unload Wordpress Plugins
** Use this function to remove an array of plugins from being loaded
add_filter( 'option_active_plugins', 'enable_plugins_selectively' );
function enable_plugins_selectively( $plugins ) {
// Use add_query_arg to get the current URL.
// You can use any other valid method that suits.
$this_page = add_query_arg( array() );
if ( $this_page != '/' ) return $plugins; // i.e. if not home page
$plugins_to_remove_from_home_page = array(
// etc
foreach( $plugins_to_remove_from_home_page as $plugin_to_remove ) {
$TCT_plugin_key = array_search( $plugin_to_remove, $plugins, true );
if ( $TCT_plugin_key != false ) unset( $plugins[ $TCT_plugin_key ] );
return $plugins;
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