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Created February 8, 2021 20:50
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// Made by Theimpossiblequiz#6969
//Date started 11-21-2020
//Used in server Pengwin Bois
//Last updated 11-25-2020
//heart.js is the MAIN FILE for this bot.
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const config = require('./config.json');
const newUsers = new Discord.Collection();
const client = new Discord.Client({ partials: ["MESSAGE", "CHANNEL", "REACTION" ]});
const ytdl = require('ytdl-core');
const fs = require('fs');
const Welcome = require('discord-welcome');
const memberCounter = require('./counters/member-counter');
const queue = new Map()
client.commands = new Discord.Collection(); = new Discord.Collection();
['command_handler', 'events_handler'].forEach(handler =>{
require(`./handlers/${handler}`)(client, Discord);
//Welcome Message code.
client.once('guildMemberAdd', (member) => {
const channelID ='703789549679280159';
if( != '669902459204010004') return;
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Member Joined the Pengwin Bois Server!`)
.setDescription(`\`${member.user.tag}\` has joined the Pengwin Bois server! Please read the <#738589554847645797>. Enjoy your stay here! If you need support please use the command $ticket [reason]!`)
.setFooter('Created by Lazysensy#1075 & theimpossiblequiz#6969', '');
client.on('guildBanAdd', async (guild, user, member) => {
const fetchedLogs = await guild.fetchAuditLogs({
limit: 1,
// Since we only have 1 audit log entry in this collection, we can simply grab the first one
const banLog = fetchedLogs.entries.first();
const channelLog = member.guild.channels.cache.find(channel => === "server-change-info-🌐");
// Let's perform a coherence check here and make sure we got *something*
if (!banLog) return console.log(`${user.tag} was banned from ${} but no audit log could be found.`);
// We now grab the user object of the person who banned the user
// Let us also grab the target of this action to double check things
const { executor, target } = banLog;
// And now we can update our output with a bit more information
// We will also run a check to make sure the log we got was for the same kicked member
if ( === {
console.log(`${user.tag} got hit with the swift hammer of justice in the guild ${}, wielded by the mighty ${executor.tag}`);
} else {
channelLog.send(`${user.tag} got hit with the swift hammer of justice in the guild ${}, audit log fetch was inconclusive.`);
//This is where the token for the bot is. DON NOT SHARE THIS CODE ANYWHERE. ALSO DO NOT CHANGE THIS!
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