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Created January 15, 2018 00:19
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laundry monitor II
import groovy.time.*
name: "Laundry Monitor II", namespace: "HDFLucky", author: "Mr. Lucky",
description: "This application is a modification of the SmartThings 'Laundry Monitor' SmartApp. Instead of using a vibration sensor, it utilizes Power (wattage) sensing.",
category: "My Apps",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "",
iconX3Url: "")
preferences {
section("Notify When Cycle Has Stopped"){
input "sensor1", "capability.powerMeter", multiple: false, required: true
section("Notifications") {
input "sendPushMessage", "bool", title: "Push notification(s)?"
input "phone1", "phone", title: "Send a text message (enter tel. #)?", required: false
input "phone2", "phone", title: "Also send a text message to:", required: false
input "speech", "capability.speechSynthesis", title:"Speak message via:", multiple: true, required: false
input "message", "text", title: "Notification message:", required: true
section("Flash or Turn On These Lights") {
input "switches", "capability.switch", title: "Which?", multiple: true, required: false
input "lightMode", "enum", options: ["Flash Lights", "Turn On Lights"], title: "Action?", required: false
section("Appliance Settings") {
input "minimumWattage", "decimal", title: "Minimum running wattage", defaultValue: 10, required: false
def installed() {
log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}"
def updated() {
log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}"
def initialize() {
subscribe(sensor1, "power", powerInputHandler)
def powerInputHandler(evt) {
def latestPower = sensor1.currentValue("power")
log.trace "Power: ${latestPower}W"
if (!atomicState.isRunning && latestPower > minimumWattage) {
atomicState.isRunning = true
atomicState.startedAt = now()
atomicState.stoppedAt = null
log.trace "Cycle started."
} else if (atomicState.isRunning && latestPower < minimumWattage) {
atomicState.isRunning = false
atomicState.stoppedAt = now()
log.debug "startedAt: ${atomicState.startedAt}, stoppedAt: ${atomicState.stoppedAt}" message
if (phone1) {
sendSms phone1, message
} else {
sendPush message
if (phone2) {
sendSms phone2, message
if (speech) {
if (switches) {
if (lightMode?.equals("Turn On Lights")) {
} else {
} else {
// Do Nothing, no change in either direction
private speechAlert(msg) {
private flashLights() {
def doFlash = true
def onFor = onFor ?: 1001
def offFor = offFor ?: 999
def numFlashes = numFlashes ?: 3
log.debug "LAST ACTIVATED IS: ${atomicState.lastActivated}"
if (atomicState.lastActivated) {
def elapsed = now() - atomicState.lastActivated
def sequenceTime = (numFlashes + 1) * (onFor + offFor)
doFlash = elapsed > sequenceTime
// log.debug "DO FLASH: $doFlash, ELAPSED: $elapsed, LAST ACTIVATED: ${atomicState.lastActivated}"
if (doFlash) {
log.debug "FLASHING $numFlashes times"
atomicState.lastActivated = now()
log.debug "LAST ACTIVATED SET TO: ${atomicState.lastActivated}"
def initialActionOn = switches.collect{it.currentSwitch != "on"}
def delay = 1L
numFlashes.times {
log.trace "Switch on after $delay msec"
switches.eachWithIndex {s, i ->
if (initialActionOn[i]) {
} else {
delay += onFor
log.trace "Switch off after $delay msec"
switches.eachWithIndex {s, i ->
if (initialActionOn[i]) { delay)
} else {
delay += offFor
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