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GIT access with password protected key


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Setting up SSH-Agent in Windows for Passwordless Git Authentication

SSH-Agent and OpenSSH are tools in Windows that can be used to authenticate to remote Git repositories, such as GitLab, GitHub, Azure DevOps, etc. Once set up as a service that stores your various SSH keys, this can facilitate authentication without entering a password each...


The OpenSSH Client optional service must be enabled on your machine, and OpenSSH must be added to your PATH environment variable. You can read how to do that here.

A remote Git repository that you wish to access. We will use a GitLab repository for this article; however, the process will be similar for other Git management providers. Git must be installed on your machine.

How to Install the SSH-Agent Service in Windows

Using an elevated PowerShell window (run as admin), execute the following command to install the SSH-Agent service and configure it to start automatically when you log into your machine:

Get-Service ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic -PassThru | Start-Service

Setting up an SSH Key Pair to Access a Git Remote Provider

Using a command line tool such as Bash or PowerShell, you should be able to follow these steps to create a local SSH key pair. For our example, we will create an ED25519 key, but you can create other keys such as an RSA.

Create a new SSH ED25519 key, giving it a useful comment:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "Git-Demo"

By default, the file will be stored in your local user’s SSH repository in Windows. You can choose another storage location if you wish or rename the file by entering a new file path to save the key. Leave it blank to stick with the default.

In our example, we rename the file from the default id_ed25519 to id_ed25519_git_demo:

You can also add a password if you like or leave this blank:

You will then be shown the key’s randomart image to confirm creation:

Copy the contents of the public key to your clipboard. You can read this key with the following command:

cat path\to\ssh\

Add key to GItlab

In GitLab (or the appropriate location of your Git remote repository), you can now add this public key to your user profile. In GitLab, you can do this by adding it under the SSH Keys section of your user settings:

Test connection

Test that you can connect to the repository when using the SSH private key directly with this command:

ssh -i path/to/ssh/private/key -T git@host

For example, our command could be:

ssh -i C:\Users\chastie/.ssh\id_ed25519_git_demo -T

We have now established an SSH key pair that can authenticate to our Git remote provider. It remains to set this up in the SSH-Agent service to automatically provide access. We can demonstrate the issue by attempting the same connection, but without specifically naming the SSH key, with the command below:

Adding the SSH Key to the SSH-Agent Service

Our goal is to be able to connect to a Git repository without entering a password. At this stage, we have a working SSH key pair and the SSH-Agent service installed and running.

Execute the following command to add your SSH key to your SSH-Agent service:

ssh-add path/to/ssh/private/key

For our example, our command could be:

We can now test our connection to our Git remote provider without specifying a key and connect successfully:

ssh -T git@host

Configuring Git to Leverage the Windows SSH-Agent

In an elevated console (run as admin), execute the following command to modify your existing Git configuration to leverage the windows OpenSSH service as the core SSH command:

git config --global core.sshCommand C:/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/ssh.exe

Using differnt keys for different servers

Open your ssh config from:



Host [shortname] 
    HostName []
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/[yourkey]
    IdentitiesOnly yes 
    AddKeysToAgent yes
Host [othershortname] 
    HostName []
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/[otherkey]
    IdentitiesOnly yes 
    AddKeysToAgent yes
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