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Created June 30, 2010 17:07
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// The inspiration for this class is grounded in Jeremy Ashkenas's work with
// DocumentCloud. The concept of **bindings** is especially brilliant and is a
// large portion of what makes **Glass.js** tick.
propublica.View = Base.extend({
// jquery object for our target
el : null,
// list of bindings to listen in on
bindings : {},
tag : 'div',
cssClass : '',
toggleClass : 'active',
id : '',
scope : '',
init : function(){
this.el = $(this.query().string);
_.extend(this.bindings, {"_render" : "_render"});
return this;
// Hidden method that delegates to **render**. You probably shouldn't need to overwrite
// this.
_render : function(){
return true;
// override this method with the actual rendering bits
render : function(){
return this;
query : function(){
var self = this;
var string = _.reduce([['', 'scope'], [' ', 'tag'], ['#', 'id'], ['.', 'cssClass']], '', function(memo, attr){
return memo + (self[attr[1]].length > 0 ? attr[0] + self[attr[1]] : '');
string.replace(/^\s+/, '');
return {
string: string,
scope: this.scope,
tag: this.tag,
cssClass: this.cssClass
// ## DOM Manipulation Helpers ##
// Although it's possible to directly manipulate the **dom** in a view, its much
// more efficient to pass off processing to an associated model.
// For example, **munge** takes an **Array** of dom elements, not a jquery object,
// and replaces the **View** element's children with the new **collection**.
munge : function(collection){
var c = $('<div></div>');
_.each(collection, function(child){
// ## Generic Event Handlers ##
// **toggle** adds the **toggleClass** class (by default '.active') or removes it,
// in an on and off fashion. Returns the **toggleClass** if it was added. Relies on
// the **currentTarget** of the event object rather than **this.el** so you can pre-process
// and adjust to the correct target if need be.
toggle : function(e){
var el = $(e.currentTarget);
return el.hasClass(this.toggleClass) ? this.toggleClass : false;
// gaq tracking for events. You can pass in an array or arguments for the event you
// need to track.
track : function(){
var args = _.toArray(arguments).slice(0);
// ## Event Bindings ##
// sets the bindings and set 'this' back to the the view object
setBindings : function(){
var self = this;
_.each(this.bindings, function(fn, key){
self.el.bind(key, _.bind(self[fn], self));
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