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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Save thejh/fd8fd1270b9af6b5a185 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
idatfix - solution of fluxfingers for that png forensics challenge at pctf
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <jh.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
/* Table of CRCs of all 8-bit messages. */
unsigned long crc_table[256];
/* Flag: has the table been computed? Initially false. */
int crc_table_computed = 0;
/* Make the table for a fast CRC. */
void make_crc_table(void)
unsigned long c;
int n, k;
for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
c = (unsigned long) n;
for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (c & 1)
c = 0xedb88320L ^ (c >> 1);
c = c >> 1;
crc_table[n] = c;
crc_table_computed = 1;
/* Update a running CRC with the bytes buf[0..len-1]--the CRC
should be initialized to all 1's, and the transmitted value
is the 1's complement of the final running CRC (see the
crc() routine below)). */
unsigned long update_crc(unsigned long crc, unsigned char *buf,
int len)
unsigned long c = crc;
int n;
for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
c = crc_table[(c ^ buf[n]) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
return c;
/* Return the CRC of the bytes buf[0..len-1]. */
unsigned long crc(unsigned char *buf, int len)
return update_crc(0xffffffffL, buf, len) ^ 0xffffffffL;
bool fixidat(char *data, int data_len, int tofix, uint32_t expected_crc, int offset, bool toplevel) {
char saved[data_len+tofix];
memcpy(saved, data, data_len+tofix);
if (tofix == 0) {
return crc(data-4, data_len+4) == expected_crc;
if (toplevel) {
int chars = count_char_occurences_in_buf(saved, data_len, 0x0a);
for (int i=0; i<chars; i++) printf("X");
int j=0;
for (int i=0; i<=data_len; i++) {
if (saved[i] != 0x0a) continue;
if (toplevel) printf(".");
memcpy(data, saved, i);
data[i] = 0xd;
memcpy(data+i+1, saved+i, data_len+tofix-i-1);
if (fixidat(data, data_len+1, tofix-1, expected_crc, i+2, false)) return true;
return false;
int main(void) {
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
size_t len;
char *data = slurp_file("fixed_partial_393365.png", &len, 0);
data = realloc(data, len + 1024);
char *dataend = data + len;
for (int i=393366; i<len; i++) {
if (strncmp(data+i, "IDAT", 4) == 0) {
char *nextidat = memmem(data+i+1, len-i-1, "IDAT", 4);
if (nextidat == NULL) nextidat = memmem(data+i+1, len-i-1, "IEND", 4);
uint32_t header_len = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(data+i-4));
int real_len = nextidat - (data+i) - 12;
printf("IDAT len=%u, real_len=%d\n", header_len, real_len);
assert(real_len <= header_len);
int tofix = header_len - real_len;
printf("tofix=%d\n", tofix);
uint32_t crcval = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(nextidat-8));
memmove(nextidat-8+tofix, nextidat-8, dataend-(nextidat-8));
len += tofix;
dataend = data + len;
assert(fixidat(data+i+4, real_len, tofix, crcval, 0, true) == true);
char name[200];
sprintf(name, "fixed_partial_%d.png", i);
write_file(name, data, len, O_EXCL|O_CREAT);
return 0;
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