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Last active March 4, 2021 06:20
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Code School Q&A Episode 3 Show Notes: Fart Buttons and Space Suits
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Wednesdays at 7pm PT on
We're talking about code schools and software.
Ask us questions while we drink!
"Although it can seem like a dumpster fire at times,
this dumpster fire has kept me warm." - @agatakolohe
1. What's the current climate like for code school graduates looking for work?
a. As good as it ever was, maybe better - remote work is easier, friendsing is harder.
b. What is the perception of us? Bad from the bad ones, the good ones matter more.
2. How do I stand out from those with traditional backgrounds?
a. Emphasize hustle, drive, perseverance, ingenuity, focused industry-relevant skills.
3. How are you all doing?
a. Really bad.
b. Seriously so so bad.
c. I had tears for breakfast...
d. again.
4. Is there time?
a. No, there is no time.
5. Epic fails
a. Hold blameless retros... No seriously they're not blameless enough yet.
6. How do interview good human interview I am not robot thank you please?
a. Be authentic, be empathetic, be genuinely interested in the betterment of humanity.
6.5. For as much as you think about it, how do you not have a fart button?
a. I think about other stuff too! I think...
7. Dress for the job you want not the job that you have!
a. Wear a space suit, go go astronerd!
b. If you wear a suit you should be ready to overcome the perception with your charisma.
c. Do some research, dress only slightly fancier than them or to feel confident.
8. What are you...
a. I don't know anymore. I AM MADE OF PEOPLE (it's soylent)
[Things went off the rails here a bit and I waxed philosophical about salary negotiation]
Things to look up that we talked about:
"Man Who Has It All" on Facebook
ASCII art generator:
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