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thejoycekung / witchy-terminal.json
Created October 18, 2020 14:04
Based on Ashley Trinh's Witchy theme (, but for the new Windows terminal.
"name": "Witchy",
"black": "#725f8f",
"red": "#c6586f",
"green": "#a18174",
"yellow": "#c67d6f",
"blue": "#a15894",
"purple": "#c65894",
"cyan": "#977da1",
"white": "#95948f",
thejoycekung /
Created October 16, 2020 20:05
Tour of infra-related repos for Kubernetes

k/k: source code for kubernetes, unit + integration/e2e test

  • test/e2e: framework for testing
  • hack: checks dependencies, etc.

k/test-infra: configuration of prow jobs + prow itself + spyglass + any other test/CI tools

  • config/jobs: the configuration of prow jobs for anything on
    • all the stuff on release board (for testgrid) is periodic except for a few postsubmit (? may need to confirm this) - images/kubekins/e2e: all the stuff you need to run k8s jobs
      • prow autobump PR is merged every weekday by Googler [historical reasons]
  • changes in kubetest or require an image bump
thejoycekung / recent-activity.txt
Last active January 25, 2022 02:08
⌛ Recent Activity
💪 Opened PR #2136 in exercism/website-copy
🎉 Merged PR #3233 in Yelp/paasta
🗣 Commented on #3233 in Yelp/paasta
💪 Opened PR #3233 in Yelp/paasta

O(n^n) > O(n!) > O(2^n) > O(n^2) > O(n log n) > O(n) >> O(log n)

O(log n) --> good example is binary search; elements to search gets halved each time (in perfect scenario)

For recursive functions, draw out the tree of function calls --> often is O(branches^depth) --> space complexity is O(n) though, only O(n) nodes exist at any point

Be careful of when your n is ever-shifting (ahem, many recursive problems)

Insertion: Empty sequence. Insert each item into right spot in sequence.

Selection: Select first element. If any > 1st, switch the two. Then select the second. etc etc etc

Merge: Split the list in two until you're left with two-element lists. Sort and merge with another two-element list. Keep going until you're done.

Quick: Pick a pivot (normally the first item). Move all > pivot items to the back and all < pivot itmes to the front. Recursively sort "small" array and "large" array using the same method.

Sort Method Best Case Worst Case
thejoycekung /
Created July 25, 2017 13:48
Keybase verification

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am thejoycekung on github.
  • I am joycekung ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBq6kfxJeQ-OVwHfZBOeLkSpqs5sOCbNTKQ0sJBkEwLiwo

To claim this, I am signing this object: