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Last active May 4, 2016 18:03
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import Data.List.Split
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Read
converToFloat :: String -> Maybe Float
converToFloat x = readMaybe x :: Maybe Float
convertStringsToFloats :: [String] -> [Float]
convertStringsToFloats x = map fromJust $ filter (not . null) $ map converToFloat x
splitIntoNumbers :: String -> [Float]
splitIntoNumbers x = convertStringsToFloats $ splitOn "," x
assignBonus :: Float -> Float
assignBonus x
| x <= 10000.0 = x * 0.03
| x <= 15000.0 = x * 0.06
| x <= 25000.0 = x * 0.09
| otherwise = x * 0.15
getBonusesForEmployess = (map assignBonus) . splitIntoNumbers
main = do
print "Sales?:"
input <- getLine
print "Result:"
print $ getBonusesForEmployess input
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