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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Blind vision for integration testing
// Mockito + Spring integration/ use native @InjectMocks of mockito
// Spring MVC test configuration
@TestExecutionListeners({ DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class,
// DBUnit & Spring integration
DbUnitTestExecutionListener.class })
// PowerMock
@PrepareForTest( { CustomUtil.class })
class GuineaPigResourceTests {
// Assumption is that all these would hook into the lifecycle in the order in which these are specified
// All these rules might needs to be collated in some form
// Does not exist yet as for as I know
NestedRunner nestedRunner = new NestedRunner();
// Spring rules, exist in > 4.2
static SpringClassRule SPRING_CLASS_RULE = new SpringClassRule();
SpringMethodRule springMethodRule = new SpringMethodRule();
// Does not exist yet as for as I know
JunitParamsRunner junitParamsRunner = new JunitParamsRunner();
// Does not exist yet as for as I know
AssumesRunner assumesRunner = new AssumesRunner();
// Exists in the latest beta of Mockito
MockitoRule rule = MockitoJUnit.rule();
// Already present
PowerMockRule rule = new PowerMockRule();
// Global vars
// This mocked bean is already injected into GuineaPigService by the therore-spring-mockito library, whcih you can use to set expectations
private EmailService emailService;
private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
void setUp() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext).build();
public class AddNewGuineaPig {
public void setup() {}
@Params(method = "validGuineaPigsProvider")
void withValidValues_ShouldSave(GuineaPig guineaPig) {
// we can even capture this argument using arguments captor and verify at the end
when(CustomUtil.validateImage(ayString())).thenReturn(true); // power mockito
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.id", is(notNull())))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.name", is(guineaPig.getName())));
// we may want to do a get on the new id and verify
// Mockito verify
// This test only makes sense after the save is successful, if its not succeeding lets skip this test altogeather
@Assumes(method = "withValidValues_ShouldSave")
void afterSave_EmailMessageHasCorrectSender() {
// do additional cerifications
@Params(method = "invalidGuineaPigsProvider")
void withInvalidData_ShouldReturnUnProcessableEntity(GuineaPig guineaPig) {
// Mockito verify that email is not sent
// DBUnit to populate some existing guinnea pigs
void withNonUniqueProperty_ShouldReturnUnProcessableEntity() {
GuineaPig guineaPigWithDuplicateLicenseNumber = new GuineaPig.Builder();
// Mockito verify that email is not sent
private GuineaPig[] validGuineaPigsProvider() {
// or read from the file
return new GuineaPig[] {
new GuineaPig.Builder().name("Name").breed("Breed").description("Desc").build(),
new GuineaPig.Builder().name("SomeOtherName").breed("Breed").description("Desc").build()
private GuineaPig[] invalidGuineaPigsProvider() {
// or read from the file
return new GuineaPig[] {
new GuineaPig.Builder().name("").breed("Breed").description("Desc").build(),
new GuineaPig.Builder().name("Toooooooooooooooooooo Longggggggggg").breed("Breed").description("Desc").build()
@RequestMapping(consumes=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
class GuineaPigResource {
GuineaPigService guineaPigService;
GuineaPig save(GuineaPig pig) {
interface GuineaPigService {
GuineaPig save(GuineaPig pig);
class GuineaPigServiceImpl implements GuineaPigService {
EmailService emailService;
GuineaPig save(GuineaPig pig) {
// Save using DAO
// Storing the image in db is clearly a bad idea, this is here to illustrate the example
// construct emailMessage
interface EmailService {
void send(Message message);
class SendMailEmailService implements EmailService {
void send(Message message) {
// send using SendMail service
class GuineaPig {
// name validation rules
// 1. name length must be between 2-10 chars
// 2. name must be alphabets only
// 3. other rules
String name;
String uniquePropery;
String breed;
String image;
String description; // optional
class CustomUtil {
private CustomUtil() {}
static void validateImage() {
// has constaints like running in a specific env/takes a long time to compute
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