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Created September 19, 2015 02:03
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protocol DelegateOwningType {
typealias DelegateType
var delegate : DelegateType { get set }
class DelegatedOperation <T : DelegateOwningType, TDelegate where T.DelegateType == TDelegate.Type>: NSOperation {
let authority : T
var delegate : TDelegate
init(someT : T, someTD : TDelegate) {
authority = someT
delegate = someTD
authority.delegate = someTD
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Because I have to specify the type, the compiler won't accept it as a protocol and I can't declare conformance to as the compiler doesn't regard type aliases as complete types and there's no way to hint it as merely being a protocol

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I see, yeah, you wouldn't be able to use ConcreteFoo as the ConcreteDelegateType and satisfy the same-type constraint. You need some way to say "I want an NSNetServiceBrowser with a specific delegate type". You could use a wrapper struct for that:

protocol DelegateOwningType {
    typealias DelegateType
    var delegate : DelegateType? { get nonmutating set }

struct ConcreteNSNetServiceBrowser<T: NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate>: DelegateOwningType {
  var browser: NSNetServiceBrowser

  var delegate: T? {
    get {
      return browser.delegate as! T?
    set {
      browser.delegate = newValue

which I think will work better. That lets this work:

import Foundation 

enum Result<T, Error: ErrorType> {
    case Success(T)
    case Failure(Error)

protocol RequiredWorkerMethods {
    typealias ResultType

    func begin(authority : AnyObject)
    var finish : (ResultType) -> Void { get set }
    var result : ResultType? { get set }

struct ConcreteNSNetServiceBrowser<T: NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate> {
  var browser: NSNetServiceBrowser

  var delegate: T? {
    get {
      return browser.delegate as! T?
    set {
      browser.delegate = newValue

extension NSNetServicesError : ErrorType {}

protocol ConcreteWorker : RequiredWorkerMethods {
    typealias AuthorityType

class DelegatedOperation <
  ConcreteDelegateType: protocol<NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate, ConcreteWorker>
>: NSOperation {
    var authority : ConcreteNSNetServiceBrowser<ConcreteDelegateType>
    var delegate : ConcreteDelegateType
    var operationResult : ConcreteDelegateType.ResultType { return delegate.result! }

    init(_ someT : ConcreteNSNetServiceBrowser<ConcreteDelegateType>, _ someTD : ConcreteDelegateType) {
        authority = someT
        delegate = someTD
        authority.delegate = someTD


    override func start() {
        var worker = delegate

        worker.finish = { inResult in  }


class ConcreteFoo : NSObject, NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate, NSNetServiceDelegate, ConcreteWorker {
    typealias ResultType = Result<[AnyObject], NSNetServicesError>
    typealias AuthorityType = NSNetServiceBrowser

    var encounteredError : NSNetServicesError?
    var finish : (ResultType) -> Void
    var result : ResultType?

    override init() {
      self.finish = {_ in}

    func begin(authority: AnyObject) {}

let serviceLookup = DelegatedOperation<ConcreteFoo>(
  ConcreteNSNetServiceBrowser(browser: NSNetServiceBrowser()),

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