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Created August 28, 2015 15:54
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For use with FRC robots.
* See class javadoc for usage instructions.
package org.usfirst.frc.team2508.robot.lib;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.GenericHID;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Joystick;
* This class represents a Logitech Gamepad controller providing as much access
* to the controller as FRC edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.GenericHID library allows.
* <p>
* The user of this class must call the method #updatePrevButtonStates() at the end of every pass through
* the robot control loop. This will ensure correct functionality of the methods that determine if
* a button is being pressed down for the first time when it wasn't pressed before.
* <p>
* The easiest way to use this class is: in the major, outer control loop of the operatorControl() method
* of the class driving the robot, add a line that calls #updatePrevButtonStates() at the
* end of the loop. Then use the method #getFirstPress(int) passing the class constants
* that begin with the prefix "BUTTON_" as the int parameter, in order to check
* if a button is being pressed during a pass through the loop and it wasn't on the last pass
* through the loop. Otherwise, use the method #getRawButton(int) passing the same constants.
* To get the value of an axis, use the method #getRawAxis(int), passing as a parameter
* the constants that begin with "LEFT_" or "RIGHT_". That's it!
* <p>
* <p>
* There are also named methods to check the X and Y positions of the
* gamepad's left and right sticks:
* #getLeftStickX(), #getLeftStickY(), #getRightStickX(), #getRightStickY().
* They start with the prefix "getLeftStick" or "getRightStick".
* <p>
* To check whether specific buttons are pressed, there are also named methods:
* #getButtonX(), #getButtonA(), etc. They start with the prefix "getButton".
* <p>
* If you are calling the method #updatePrevButtonStates() at the end of each pass through
* the robot control loop, then you can also use the named methods to check whether
* specific buttons are pressed now but weren't pressed on the last
* pass through the control loop. They are:
* #getFirstPressX(), #getFirstPressA(), etc. They start with the prefix "getFirstPress".
* <p>
* Methods inherited from edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.GenericHID are also implemented; they are
* #getRawAxis(int), #getRawButton(int), #getX(GenericHID.Hand), and #getY(GenericHID.Hand).
* <p>
* The integer values to pass into #getRawAxis(int) are the public
* The integer values to pass into #getRawButton(int) are the public
* constants #BUTTON_X, #BUTTON_A, #BUTTON_B, #BUTTON_Y, etc. (They begin with the prefix "BUTTON_").
* <p>
* To set a value by which to scale the values returned for the Y axes (for example
* to implement speed states for driving the robot), use the
* method #setYAxisScalingFactor(double).
* <p>
* @author Bruce M
* @since 2013-01-15
* @version 1.2
public class LogitechGamepad extends edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.GenericHID {
/** The edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Joystick reference that allows retrieving values from the physical device.
* You may ask yourself why I chose to extend Joystick's parent class GenericHID, then make the implementation
* wrap Joystick. Why didn't I just extend Joystick? The reason is that Joystick contained new
* public methods that don't make sense in terms of a gamepad, so I didn't want those methods to be made
* available through inheritance. But in order to use the edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotDrive class, I wanted to make
* use of its method TankDrink that accepted a GenericHID type.
private Joystick m_joystick;
// Buttons on the Logitch Gampad are numbered as integers counting from 1.
// That means joystick button 0 does nothing.
public static final int BUTTON_X = 1; // xBox = 3;
public static final int BUTTON_A = 2; // xBox = 1;
public static final int BUTTON_B = 3; // xBox = 2;
public static final int BUTTON_Y = 4; // xBox = 4;
public static final int BUTTON_LB = 5;
public static final int BUTTON_RB = 6;
public static final int BUTTON_LT = 7;
public static final int BUTTON_RT = 8;
public static final int BUTTON_BACK = 9;
public static final int BUTTON_START = 10;
public static final int BUTTON_LEFT_STICK_PRESS = 11;
public static final int BUTTON_RIGHT_STICK_PRESS = 12;
// Axis of the gamepad's left and right joysticks. Numbers 1 and 2 are for the
// left stick, 3 and 4 for the right stick.
public static final int LEFT_X_AXIS = 0;
public static final int LEFT_Y_AXIS = 1;
public static final int RIGHT_X_AXIS = 2; // Logitech gamepad = 3;
public static final int RIGHT_Y_AXIS = 3; // Logitech gamepad = 4;
// ==== END SECTION ====
// Lowest and highest button numbers, so code can loop through them by number.
private static final int BUTTON_NUM_LOWEST = 1;
private static final int BUTTON_NUM_HIGHEST = 12;
// Assume the FRC Driver Station has the gamepad on what it considers to be port 1
// as set up in the "Setup" tab of the FRC Driver Station.
// Stores scaling factor multiplied by the Y axis positions of the joysticks
// to scale the speed that the robot drives around at.
private double m_yAxisScalingFactor;
// Stores the state of buttons pressed on the previous iteration through control loop,
// so that we can see if a button is pressed on a current pass through the loop when
// it wasn't pressed during the last iteration.
private boolean [] m_priorButtonStates;
* Public constructor for Logitech Gamepad on default port.
public LogitechGamepad() {
// Use the default joystick port number.
* Private implementation of constructor of Logitech Gamepad written to
* be availiable in order to ease a future transition in case future
* users want more than one gamepad on the driver station.
* <p>
* The joystickPortNumber is the port number assigned to the gamepad in
* the FRC Driver Station software on the "Setup" tab of the FRC Driver Station.
* @param joystickPortNumber the port number assigned to the gamepad in the FRC Driver Station.
private LogitechGamepad(int joystickPortNumber) {
m_joystick = new Joystick(joystickPortNumber);
m_yAxisScalingFactor = 1.0;
m_priorButtonStates = new boolean[BUTTON_NUM_HIGHEST + 1];
for (int i = BUTTON_NUM_LOWEST; i <= BUTTON_NUM_HIGHEST; i++) {
m_priorButtonStates[i] = false;
* Must be called at the end of the robot control look, records which buttons are currently
* being pressed or not pressed. This must be called for the methods "getFirstPress" methods to work.
public void updatePrevButtonStates
() {
for (int i = BUTTON_NUM_LOWEST; i <= BUTTON_NUM_HIGHEST; i++) {
m_priorButtonStates[i] = this.getRawButton(i);
* Get the value of a button that is pressed, by specifying the button number 1-12.
* Note for ease, this class declares constants for each button number, their names being
* #BUTTON_X, #BUTTON_A, #BUTTON_B, #BUTTON_Y, etc., with the prefix "BUTTON_".
* This method overrides a method in the parent class (so don't change the name).
* @param button number of the button whose value is sought, 1-12.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getRawButton(int button) {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(button);
* Determine if gamepad button corresponding to the button number specified
* by buttonNumber is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @param buttonNumber Use this class' public constants like #BUTTON_A, BUTTON_B, etc. to specify a button number.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPress(int buttonNumber) {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(buttonNumber) && !m_priorButtonStates[buttonNumber];
* Alternative method to get the value of axis of either of the two sticks, by specifying the axis number 1-4.
* Note for ease, this class declares constants for each axis number, their
* This method is called by the FRC provided class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotDrive.
* @param axis number of the axis whose value is sought, 1-4.
* @return double indicating value.
public double getRawAxis(int axis) {
if (axis == LEFT_Y_AXIS || axis == RIGHT_Y_AXIS) {
return m_yAxisScalingFactor * m_joystick.getRawAxis(axis);
return m_joystick.getRawAxis(axis);
* Determine if gamepad button X is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonX() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_X);
* Determine if gamepad button A is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonA() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_A);
* Determine if gamepad button B is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonB() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_B);
* Determine if gamepad button Y is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonY() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_Y);
* Determine if gamepad button LB is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonLB() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_LB);
* Determine if gamepad button RB is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonRB() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_RB);
* Determine if gamepad button LT is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonLT() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_LT);
* Determine if gamepad button RT is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonRT() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_RT);
* Determine if gamepad button "BACK" is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonBack() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_BACK);
* Determine if gamepad button "START" is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonStart() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_START);
* Determine if gamepad button corresponding to pushing the left stick down is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonLeftStickPress() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_LEFT_STICK_PRESS);
* Determine if gamepad button corresponding to pushing the right stick down is pressed.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getButtonRightStickPress() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_RIGHT_STICK_PRESS);
* Determine if gamepad button X is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed when wasn't pressed last time #updatePrevButtonStates() was called, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressX() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_X) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_X];
* Determine if gamepad button A is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed when wasn't pressed last time #updatePrevButtonStates() was called, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressA() {
//System.out.println("Button A: " + m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_A));
//System.out.println("Last Button A: " + m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_A]);
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_A) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_A];
* Determine if gamepad button B is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed when wasn't pressed last time #updatePrevButtonStates() was called, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressB() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_B) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_B];
* Determine if gamepad button Y is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed when wasn't pressed last time #updatePrevButtonStates() was called, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressY() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_Y) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_Y];
* Determine if gamepad button LB is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed when wasn't pressed last time #updatePrevButtonStates() was called, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressLB() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_LB) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_LB];
* Determine if gamepad button RB is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed when wasn't pressed last time #updatePrevButtonStates() was called, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressRB() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_RB) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_RB];
* Determine if gamepad button LT is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed when wasn't pressed last time #updatePrevButtonStates() was called, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressLT() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_LT) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_LT];
* Determine if gamepad button RT is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed when wasn't pressed last time #updatePrevButtonStates() was called, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressRT() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_RT) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_RT];
* Determine if gamepad button "BACK" is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed when wasn't pressed last time #updatePrevButtonStates() was called, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressBack() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_BACK) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_BACK];
* Determine if gamepad button "START" is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed when wasn't pressed last time #updatePrevButtonStates() was called, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressStart() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_START) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_START];
* Determine if gamepad button corresponding to pushing the left stick down is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressLeftStickPress() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_LEFT_STICK_PRESS) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_LEFT_STICK_PRESS];
* Determine if gamepad button corresponding to pushing the right stick down is pressed for the first time since #updatePrevButtonStates() called.
* @return true if pressed, false otherwise.
public boolean getFirstPressRightStickPress() {
return m_joystick.getRawButton(BUTTON_RIGHT_STICK_PRESS) && !m_priorButtonStates[BUTTON_RIGHT_STICK_PRESS];
* Get left-to-right value of left stick's position.
* @return value of the left stick as a double from -1.0 being leftmost position to +1.0 being rightmost position.
public double getLeftStickX() {
return m_joystick.getRawAxis(LEFT_X_AXIS);
* Get up-to-down value of left stick's position.
* @return value of the left stick as a double from -1.0 being upmost position to +1.0 being downmost position.
public double getLeftStickY() {
return this.getRawAxis(LEFT_Y_AXIS); // Must call method is "this" to apply scaling factor.
* Get left-to-right value of right stick's position.
* @return value of the left stick as a double from -1.0 being leftmost position to +1.0 being rightmost position.
public double getRightStickX() {
return m_joystick.getRawAxis(RIGHT_X_AXIS);
* Get up-to-down value of right stick's position.
* @return value of the right stick as a double from -1.0 being upmost position to +1.0 being downmost position.
public double getRightStickY() {
return this.getRawAxis(RIGHT_Y_AXIS); // Must call method is "this" to apply scaling factor.
* Sets a scaling factor to apply to Y Axis values of left and right controllers.
* @param newScalingFactor scaling factor of 0.0 to 1.0 to set.
public void setYAxisScalingFactor(double newScalingFactor) {
m_yAxisScalingFactor = newScalingFactor;
* Reimplemented for Logitech Gamepad, returns X value of right or left stick on controller based on value of hand specified.
* It is preferrable to use the methods #getLeftStickX() and #getRightStickX().
* @param hand Is GenericHID.Hand.kLeft for left hand, GenericHID.Hand.kRight for right hand.
* @return X value of specified stick, -1.0 (all the way left) to 1.0 (all the way right).
public double getX(GenericHID.Hand hand) {
if (hand == GenericHID.Hand.kLeft) {
return this.getLeftStickX();
else {
return this.getRightStickX();
* Reimplemented for Logitech Gamepad, returns Y value of right or left stick on controller based on value of hand specified.
* It is preferrable to use the methods #getLeftStickY() and #getRightStickY().
* @param hand Is GenericHID.Hand.kLeft for left hand, GenericHID.Hand.kRight for right hand.
* @return Y value of specified stick, -1.0 (all the way up) to 1.0 (all the way down).
public double getY(GenericHID.Hand hand) {
if (hand == GenericHID.Hand.kLeft) {
return this.getLeftStickY();
else {
return this.getRightStickY();
* Produces a string containing debugging information about buttons pressed.
* @return a string containing information about which buttons are pressed.
public String debugGetButtonsPressedStr1() {
String outStr = "";
outStr = outStr + "= BUTTONS => ";
for (int i = BUTTON_NUM_LOWEST; i <= BUTTON_NUM_HIGHEST; i++) {
outStr = outStr + i + " " + this.getRawButton(i) + "; ";
return outStr;
* Produces a string containing debugging information about buttons pressed.
* @return a string containing information about which buttons are pressed, 2nd debug method.
public String debugGetButtonsPressedStr2() {
String outStr = "";
outStr = outStr + "= BUTTONS => ";
outStr += "X: " + this.getButtonX() + "; A:" + this.getButtonA() + "; B:" + this.getButtonB() + "; Y:" + this.getButtonY();
outStr += "; LB:" + this.getButtonLB() + "; RB:" + this.getButtonRB() + "; LT:" + this.getButtonLT() + "; RT:" + this.getButtonRT();
outStr += "; BACK:" + this.getButtonBack() + "; START:" + this.getButtonStart();
outStr += "; Left Stick:" + this.getButtonLeftStickPress() + "; Right Stick:" + this.getButtonRightStickPress();
return outStr;
* Produces a string containing debugging information about stick axes.
* @return a string containing information about each axis.
public String debugGetAxisStr1() {
String outStr = "leftX: " + this.getLeftStickX() + "; leftY:" + this.getLeftStickY();
outStr += "; rightX:" + this.getRightStickX() + "; rightY:" + this.getRightStickY();
return outStr;
* Produces a string containing debugging information about stick axes.
* @return a string containing information about each axis, 2nd method.
public String debugGetAxisStr2() {
String outStr = "axis1: " + this.getRawAxis(1) + "; axis2:" + this.getRawAxis(2) + "; axis3:" + this.getRawAxis(3) + "; axis4:" + this.getRawAxis(4);
return outStr;
* Not supported in Logitech Gamepad.
* @return 0.0;
* @deprecated Not supported in Logitech Gamepad.
* Replaced by {@link #getLeftStickX()}, {@link #getLeftStickY()}, {@link #getRightStickX()}, {@link #getRightStickY()}.
public double getThrottle() {
return this.getRightStickY();
* Not supported in Logitech Gamepad.
* @return 0.0;
* @deprecated Not supported in Logitech Gamepad.
* Replaced by {@link #getLeftStickX()}, {@link #getLeftStickY()}, {@link #getRightStickX()}, {@link #getRightStickY()}.
public double getTwist() {
return 0.0;
* Not supported in Logitech Gamepad.
* @return false
* @deprecated Not supported in Logitech Gamepad.
* Replaced by {@link #getLeftStickX()}, {@link #getLeftStickY()}, {@link #getRightStickX()}, {@link #getRightStickY()}.
public boolean getBumper(GenericHID.Hand hand) {
// Inheriting from the GenericHID class required implementing this method.
return false;
* Not supported in Logitech Gamepad, but returns value of button A.
* @return true if button A pressed, false otherwise;
* @deprecated Not supported in Logitech Gamepad.
* Replaced by {@link #getLeftStickX()}, {@link #getLeftStickY()}, {@link #getRightStickX()}, {@link #getRightStickY()}.
public boolean getTop(GenericHID.Hand hand) {
return this.getButtonA();
* Not supported in Logitech Gamepad, but returns value of button X.
* @return true if button X pressed, false otherwise;
* @deprecated Not supported in Logitech Gamepad.
* Replaced by {@link #getLeftStickX()}, {@link #getLeftStickY()}, {@link #getRightStickX()}, {@link #getRightStickY()}.
public boolean getTrigger(GenericHID.Hand hand) {
return this.getButtonX();
* Not supported in Logitech Gamepad, but returns Right Stick's X value.
* @param hand
* @return Right Stick's X value.
* @deprecated Not supported in Logitech Gamepad.
* Replaced by {@link #getLeftStickX()}, {@link #getLeftStickY()}, {@link #getRightStickX()}, {@link #getRightStickY()}.
public double getZ(GenericHID.Hand hand) {
return this.getRightStickX();
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