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Last active August 31, 2022 16:25
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  • Save thekhairul/89e909a4add5742f0c5cdc61a0a67e79 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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css 'fixed' position not relative to viewport but to parent container

  • normally we expect 'fixed' position to be relative to the browser viewport. but for certain curcumstance that might not be the case. when a 'fixed' positioned element has a parent with 'transform' rule applied it becomes relative to that parent

Github pages

  • github pages require a .nojekyll file to be present to properly work with non jekyll project like nuxt

Jest 'Unexpected token <' error for vue components

  • To convert vue components Jest needs vue-jest installed and some extra jest config

Vue $refs.refname returns array

  • Normally vue $refs.refname returns the dom node that has ref="refname" attr. But if this node is inside a v-for then vue $refs return an array instead of the direct dom node. To access the node itself, use this.$refs.refname[0]

Vue 'beforeUnmount' and 'unmounted' hooks are not called

  • Sometimes vue want to reuse the component between updates, so it doesn't remove the instance and doesn't call the unmount hooks. To avoid that, simply bind a unique key attribute to your components. If the key changes, the component is not reused and the full lifecycle methods are called. reference
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