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Created August 19, 2013 22:09
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Save theladyjaye/6274766 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
datetime module for ISO8601 UTC Dates
], function(){
var months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May',
'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
'November', 'December'];
// All values assumed to be ISO 8601 and in UTC
// 2013-08-29T14:29Z
// 2013-08-29T14:29.000Z
// 2013-08-29T14:29+0000
// 2013-08-29T14:29:30.123+0000
var isoRegex = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\:(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))?)?(?:Z|\+0000)?/;
function UTCStringToMilliseconds(value){
// 2013-08-29T15:02:00Z
// milliseconds and seconds are optional
// if omitted, 0's are assumed.
var c = isoRegex.exec(value);
var year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, millisecond = 0;
year = c[1];
month = (c[2] - 1);
day = c[3];
hour = c[4];
minute = c[5];
second = c[6] || 0;
millisecond = c[7] || 0;
return Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);
function UTCStringToSeconds(value){
var utcMilliSeconds = UTCStringToMilliseconds(value);
return parseInt((utcMilliSeconds / 1000), 10);
function UTCStringToLocalDate(value){
var utcSeconds = UTCStringToSeconds(value);
var date = new Date(0);
return date;
function monthDayYearStringForDate(date){
var dayValue = date.getDate();
var suffix = daySuffix(day);
var day = dayValue.toString() + suffix;
return months[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + day + ' ' + date.getFullYear();
function monthDayYearStringForUTCString(value){
var date = UTCStringToLocalDate(value);
return monthDayYearStringForDate(date);
function daySuffix(day){
switch (day)
case 1:
case 21:
case 31:
return 'st';
case 2:
case 22:
return 'nd';
case 3:
case 23:
return 'rd';
return 'th';
function relativeDate(value){
// compatibility
var now = +new Date();
var date = UTCStringToMilliseconds(value);
var totalSeconds = parseInt((now - date) / 1000, 10);
var time = '';
if (totalSeconds < 10) {
return 'just now';
} else if(totalSeconds < 60) {
time = totalSeconds;
return time + ' seconds ago';
} else if(totalSeconds < 120) {
return 'about a minute ago';
} else if(totalSeconds < 3600) {
time = parseInt(totalSeconds / 60, 10);
return time + ' minutes ago';
} else if(totalSeconds < 7200) {
return 'about an hour ago';
} else if(totalSeconds < 86400) {
time = parseInt(totalSeconds / 3600, 10);
return time + ' hours ago';
} else if(totalSeconds < 172800) {
return '1 day ago';
} else if(totalSeconds < 604800) {
time = parseInt(totalSeconds / 86400, 10);
return time + ' days ago';
} else if(totalSeconds < 1209600) {
return '1 week ago';
} else {
time = parseInt(totalSeconds / 604800, 10);
return time + ' weeks ago';
return {
relativeDate: relativeDate,
UTCStringToMilliseconds: UTCStringToMilliseconds,
UTCStringToSeconds: UTCStringToSeconds,
UTCStringToLocalDate: UTCStringToLocalDate,
monthDayYearStringForDate: monthDayYearStringForDate,
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Parses ISO 8601 UTC Dates to JS Local Time Dates. Includes some relative date formatting as some simple date formatting. Should handle the following formats:


If seconds or milliseconds are not present, 0 is assumed.

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