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Last active January 17, 2024 13:22
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import Lean.Data.AssocList
import Parser
namespace SaidScript
abbrev Env := Lean.AssocList String Int
inductive Op : Type
| add | sub | mul | div
deriving Repr
inductive Expr : Type
| var (name : String)
| const (val : Int)
| binOp (op : Op) (lhs rhs : Expr)
deriving Repr
inductive Stmt : Type
| declare (var : String)
| input (var : String)
| output (var : String)
| assign (var : String) (expr : Expr)
deriving Repr
open Op Expr Stmt
def Expr.eval (e : Expr) (env : Env) : Int := match e with
| var name => env.find? name |>.get!
| const val => val
| binOp op lhs rhs => match op with
| add => lhs.eval env + rhs.eval env
| sub => lhs.eval env - rhs.eval env
| mul => lhs.eval env * rhs.eval env
| div => lhs.eval env / rhs.eval env
def Stmt.interpret (s : Stmt) (env : Env) : IO Env := match s with
| declare name => pure $ env.insert name 0
| input name => do
let input <- (String.toInt! ∘ String.trim) <$> (IO.getStdin >>= (·.getLine))
pure $ env.insert name input
| output name => do
env.find? name |>.get! |> IO.println
pure env
| assign name expr => pure $ env.insert name (expr.eval env)
def run (ss : List Stmt) : IO Unit := loop ss default
loop : List Stmt → Env → IO Unit
| [], _ => pure ()
| (s :: ss), env => do
let e <- s.interpret env
loop ss e
open Parser Char
protected abbrev Parser := SimpleParser Substring Char
def ws : SaidScript.Parser Unit := dropMany <| tokenFilter ([' ', '\n', '\r', '\t'].contains)
def integer : SaidScript.Parser Int := do
let sign ← option? (char '-')
let n <- takeMany ASCII.numeric
pure ∘ String.toInt! ∘ n.foldl (·.push ·) $ match sign with
| none => ""
| some _ => "-"
end SaidScript
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