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Created May 25, 2024 12:50
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STLC-like interpreted language in Lean 4
import Batteries.Data.RBMap
inductive BinOp where
| add | sub | mul | div
deriving Repr, Ord
-- Abstrct Syntax Tree
inductive Expr where
| bool (value : Bool)
| num (value : Int)
| var (name : String)
| if_ (cond : Expr) (conseq : Expr) (alt : Expr)
| let_ (name : String) (value : Expr) (body : Expr)
| binop (op : BinOp) (lhs : Expr) (rhs : Expr)
| read
deriving Repr, Ord
abbrev Context := Batteries.RBMap String Expr compare
namespace Expr
partial def interpret (expr : Expr) (ctx : Context) : IO Expr :=
match expr with
| t@(num _) | t@(bool _) => pure t
| var name =>
match ctx.find? name with
| none => throw (IO.userError s!"unbound variable: '{name}'")
| some value => value.interpret ctx
| let_ name value body => body.interpret (ctx.insert name value)
| read => do
let stdin ← IO.getStdin
let n ← stdin.getLine
pure (num n.toInt!)
| if_ cond conseq alt => do
let cond' ← cond.interpret ctx
match cond' with
| bool p => if p then conseq.interpret ctx else alt.interpret ctx
| t => throw (IO.userError s!"type error: expected 'bool', got '{repr t}'")
| binop op lhs rhs =>
match op with
| .add => do
let lr ← lhs.interpret ctx
let rr ← rhs.interpret ctx
match (lr, rr) with
| (num l, num r) => pure (num (l + r))
| t => throw (IO.userError s!"type error: expected '(num, num)', got '{repr t}'")
| .sub => do
let lr ← lhs.interpret ctx
let rr ← rhs.interpret ctx
match (lr, rr) with
| (num l, num r) => pure (num (l - r))
| t => throw (IO.userError s!"type error: expected '(num, num)', got '{repr t}'")
| .mul => do
let lr ← lhs.interpret ctx
let rr ← rhs.interpret ctx
match (lr, rr) with
| (num l, num r) => pure (num (l * r))
| t => throw (IO.userError s!"type error: expected '(num, num)', got '{repr t}'")
| .div => do
let lr ← lhs.interpret ctx
let rr ← rhs.interpret ctx
match (lr, rr) with
| (num l, num r) => pure (num (l / r))
| t => throw (IO.userError s!"type error: expected '(num, num)', got '{repr t}'")
open BinOp in
def program : Expr := (binop add (num 41) (num 1))
#eval program.interpret .empty
open BinOp in
def programWithVars : Expr := (let_ "x" (num 4) (binop div (var "x") (num 2)))
#eval programWithVars.interpret .empty
open BinOp in
def programWithBranches : Expr :=
let_ "x" (num 2)
(let_ "pred" (bool true)
(if_ (var "pred") (binop add (var "x") (num 1)) (var "x")))
#eval programWithBranches.interpret .empty
end Expr
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