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Created January 2, 2022 05:23
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A few tests where I use KtPsiFactory to create a PSI tree out of plain text
import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase
import junit.framework.TestCase
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
class GetRootElementTest : LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase() {
private val getRootElement = GetRootElement()
fun `when a name reference expression is selected , but root is a property , the property should be returned as root element`() {
val ktPsiFactory = KtPsiFactory(project)
val template = """
val systemUiController = rememberSystemUiController()
val file = ktPsiFactory.createFile(template)
val property = file.lastChild as KtProperty
val selectedItem = (property.lastChild as KtCallExpression).firstChild as? KtNameReferenceExpression
selectedItem?.let {
TestCase.assertEquals(property, getRootElement(it))
fun `when a name reference expression is selected, with a call expression as root, call expression should be returned`() {
val ktPsiFactory = KtPsiFactory(project)
val template = """
fun Box(block:()->Unit) {
fun OuterComposable() {
// Call Expression - Box
// |
// v
Box() {
val file = ktPsiFactory.createFile(template)
val ktNamedFunction = file.lastChild as KtNamedFunction
val callExpression = ktNamedFunction.lastChild.children.find { it is KtCallExpression }!!
getRootElement(callExpression.firstChild as KtNameReferenceExpression)
fun `when an argument list element is selected, with a call expression as root, call expression should be returned`() {
val ktPsiFactory = KtPsiFactory(project)
val template = """
fun Box(block:()->Unit) {
fun OuterComposable() {
// Argument List Element - (
// |
// v
Box() {
} // Name Reference Expression
val file = ktPsiFactory.createFile(template)
val ktNamedFunction = file.lastChild as KtNamedFunction
val callExpression = ktNamedFunction.lastChild.children.find { it is KtCallExpression }!!
val argumentListElement = callExpression.firstChild.nextSibling as KtValueArgumentList
fun `when a name reference expression is selected, with a delegated property as root, property should be returned`() {
val ktPsiFactory = KtPsiFactory(project)
val template = """
// Delegated porperty - by remember
// |
// v
var isComposable by remember {
val file = ktPsiFactory.createFile(template)
val property = file.lastChild as KtProperty
val referenceExpression = property.lastChild.lastChild.firstChild as KtNameReferenceExpression
fun `when a name reference expression is selected, with a delegated property with dot qualified expression as root, property should be returned`() {
val ktPsiFactory = KtPsiFactory(project)
val template = """
val repeatingAnimation = rememberInfiniteTransition()
// Dot qualified expression - .animateFloat
// |
// v
val offset by repeatingAnimation.animateFloat(
repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse,
animation = tween(
durationMillis = 1000,
easing = LinearEasing
val file = ktPsiFactory.createFile(template)
val property = file.lastChild as KtProperty
val dotQualifiedExpression = property.lastChild.lastChild as KtDotQualifiedExpression
val referenceExpression = dotQualifiedExpression.lastChild.firstChild as KtNameReferenceExpression
fun `when a name reference expression is selected, with a property and dot qualified expression as root, property should be returned`() {
val ktPsiFactory = KtPsiFactory(project)
val template = """
val repeatingAnimation = rememberInfiniteTransition()
// Dot qualified expression - .animateFloat
// |
// v
val offset = repeatingAnimation.animateFloat(
repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse,
animation = tween(
durationMillis = 1000,
easing = LinearEasing
val file = ktPsiFactory.createFile(template)
val property = file.lastChild as KtProperty
val dotQualifiedExpression = property.lastChild as KtDotQualifiedExpression
val referenceExpression = dotQualifiedExpression.lastChild.firstChild as KtNameReferenceExpression
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