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Last active November 15, 2015 04:29
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{- LANGUAGE TupleSections -}
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Set as S
--type State = String
type Symbol = Char
data DFA st = DFA { states :: [st],
alphabet :: [Symbol],
delta :: st -> Symbol -> st,
startSt :: st
endSts :: [st] }
runDFA :: DFA st -> [Symbol] -> Either st st
runDFA dfa xs =
let endSt = foldr (flip (delta dfa)) (startSt dfa) xs
in if endSt `elem` (endSts dfa) then Right endSt else Left endSt
-- Closure under union
-- Parametrise state type so we can make fresh names for each state
unionDFA :: DFA st1 -> DFA st2 -> DFA (st1, st2)
unionDFA dfa1 dfa2 =
let states' = [(x,y) | x <- (states dfa1), y <- (states dfa2)]
endSts' = nub ([(x,y) | x <- (endSts dfa1), y <- (states dfa2)] ++
[(x,y) | x <- (states dfa1), y <- (endSts dfa2)])
startSt' = (startSt dfa1, startSt dfa2)
delta' (s1,s2) c = (delta dfa1 s1 c, delta dfa2 s2 c)
in DFA states' (alphabet dfa1) delta' startSt' endSts'
-- TODO: Make the transition function Total by lifting it into the Either monad.
sampleDFA :: DFA
sampleDFA = let states = ["A", "B"]
symbs = ['1','0']
start = "A"
end = ["A"]
delta = \c s -> case (c,s) of
("A",'1') -> "B"
("A",'0') -> "A"
("B",'1') -> "A"
("B",'0') -> "B"
in DFA states symbs delta start end
-- Infinite DFA prompt, type a string and hit enter.
-- to run: load into ghci and run main
-- > :l DFA.hs
-- > main
main :: IO ()
main = forever $ getLine >>= print . (runDFA sampleDFA)
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