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Last active July 16, 2018 01:09
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CRUD Example
Meteor allows you to store functions on the server for handling things like data.
This is the server-side component to the example in add-taco.js.
// Define our method. Note, we're passing an argument for the tacoToInsert value we passed to our method.
'addTaco': function(tacoName){
// Here we do our insert again.
taco: tacoName
}, function(error){
if (error) {
// We can toss an error to the user if something fudges up.
return error.reason;
<template name="addTaco">
<form id="add-taco">
<input type="text" name="tacoName" placeholder="What's yummy?">
<button type="submit">Add Tasty Taco</button>
This is what I like to refer to as my "controller." Here, we handle interacting with the form
and inserting our data into the DB. Note: I've shown two methods here, one just doing a client-side insert (frowned upon, but possible)
and a server-side insert (a little more secure).
// Meteor uses an "event map" to handle interaction on the template.{
'submit form': function(e,t){
// Version 1: Just do a client-side insert into your DB. The argument t allows us to acces the template.
taco: t.find('[name="tacoName"]').value
}, function(error){
if (error) {
// We can toss an error to the user if something fudges up.
// Version 2: In conjunction with the add-taco-server.js file below, Meteor offers "methods" which allow you to call to
// server-side code from the client. This is nice for keeping data functions out of the client for security reasons. Also
// a little tidier if you're a stickler about cleanliness.
var tacoToInsert = t.find('[name="tacoName"]').value;'addTaco', tacoToInsert, function(error,response){
if (error) {
// Same convention as above with errors :)
} else {
// If you're doing synchronous work on the server, you can get a result here.
Meteor collections can be defined on the client/server. These are essentially "tables" in an SQL database.
Tacos = new Meteor.Collection('tacos');
// To handle security, Meteor gives you access to Allow and Deny rules on the client. It gives a handful of operations to listen for,
// the three big ones being: insert, update, and delete. Here we just deny ALL client-side inserts (this would "break" the example in add-taco.js where I show doing Tacos.insert() directly on the client).
insert: function(){
// This translates to "Should I allow client-side inserts?" and us saying "False, or no, don't do that!"
return false;
update: function(){
return false;
delete: function(){
return false;
Meteor makes use of Handlebars templates for rendering HTML on the client.
This is an example of a tempalte where you'd use an {{each}} loop to pull data out of your DB.
<template name="tacos">
<h3>My Favorite Tacos</h3>
{{#if tacos}}
<ul class="tacos-list">
{{#each tacos}}
<template name="taco">
<!-- Because Meteor relies heavily on reactivity and watches for changes on the template, it's helpful to break up components into separate templates to encapsulate reactivity (i.e. only reload/refresh what's changed).-->
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