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Last active July 27, 2020 14:19
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  • Save themightychris/672b83aa4f34c1ddd1a1251c0a7dca34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save themightychris/672b83aa4f34c1ddd1a1251c0a7dca34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Emergence: Backup to B2 via Restic
  1. Provision B2 bucket:

  2. Provision B2 app key:

  3. Create /etc/restic.env:

    B2_ACCOUNT_ID="" # keyID
    B2_ACCOUNT_KEY="" # applicationKey
  4. Save a copy in bitwarden

  5. Secure configuration:

    sudo chmod 660 /etc/restic.env
  6. Initialize repo:

    set -a; source /etc/restic.env; set +a
    restic init
  7. Create /etc/cron.daily/emergence-restic-backup and enable execution:

    sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/emergence-restic-backup
  8. Verify that daily cron script is set up correctly:

    run-parts --test /etc/cron.daily
set -a
source /etc/restic.env
set +a
# snapshot host config to _
>&2 echo -e "\n==> snapshot host"
/bin/restic backup /emergence \
--host=_ \
--exclude='/emergence/services/**' \
# snapshot each site to its own host
for site_path in /emergence/sites/*; do
site_name=$(basename ${site_path})
>&2 echo -e "\n==> snapshot site: ${site_name} @ ${site_path}"
/bin/restic backup "${site_path}/" \
--host="${site_name}" \
--exclude='*.log' \
--exclude='/emergence/sites/*/logs/**' \
# setup mysql
mysql_args="-u root -p$(/bin/jq -r .services.plugins.sql.managerPassword /emergence/config.json) -S /emergence/services/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"
mysql_query() {
>&2 echo -e "\n==> mysql_query: ${1}"
/usr/bin/mysql $mysql_args -srNe "${1}"
mysql_dump() {
>&2 echo -e "\n==> mysql_dump: ${1} ${2}"
/usr/bin/mysqldump ${mysql_args} \
--force \
--single-transaction \
--quick \
--compact \
--extended-insert \
--order-by-primary \
--ignore-table="${1}.sessions" \
"${1}" "${2}"
# dump each database+table
databases=$(mysql_query 'SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name NOT IN ("information_schema", "mysql", "performance_schema")')
for db_name in $databases; do
if [ -d "/emergence/sites/${db_name}" ]; then
cd "/emergence/sites/${db_name}"
cd "/tmp"
mysql_dump "${db_name}" "${table_name}" \
| /bin/restic backup \
--host="${db_name}" \
--stdin \
# restic de-dupe not as effective
# | /bin/gzip --rsyncable \
# thin out snapshots
>&2 echo -e "\n==> restic forget"
/bin/restic forget \
--keep-last=1 \
--keep-within=3d \
--keep-daily=10 \
--keep-weekly=10 \
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