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Last active December 26, 2018 00:17
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with open('input') as f:
ss =
sorted_input=sorted(ss,key=lambda d:d[1:17])
#partition by begin shift message
for entry in sorted_input:
if '#' in entry and not bucket:
elif bucket and '#' not in entry:
elif bucket and '#' in entry:
bucket = [entry]
if bucket:
#process each shift
import re
id_pattern = r'#\d+'
minute_pattern_sleep = r'\d+(?=] falls asleep)'
minute_pattern_wake = r'\d+(?=] wakes up)'
times = {}
def process_shift(shift):
#exploit structure that id is first then sleep wake alternates
id = re.findall(id_pattern, shift[0])[0]
sleep = re.findall(minute_pattern_sleep, ','.join(shift[1::2]))
wake = re.findall(minute_pattern_wake, ','.join(shift[2::2]))
assert(len(sleep) == len(wake))
for (start,end) in zip(sleep,wake):
for i in range(int(start),int(end)):
times[id][i] += 1
except KeyError:
#initialize it if it's not there
times[id] = [0 for i in range(61)]
#apply the processing
list(map(lambda x: process_shift(x), res))
#id : minutes asleep, minute most asleep
total_sleeps = {k:(sum(v),v.index(max(v))) for (k,v) in times.items()}
ans_1= max(total_sleeps.items(),key=lambda x:x[1])
#part 2
most_asleep_minutes = {k:max(enumerate(v), key = lambda x:x[1]) for (k,v) in times.items()}
ans_2=max(most_asleep_minutes.items(),key=lambda x:x[-1][-1])
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