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Last active September 27, 2016 08:21
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<h1>Kervin Vasquez, Web Developer</h1>
<p>I am a <strong>professional</strong> and creative Web Developer involved with latest web design trends and technologies best practices. Coding is my passion, and creating solutions is my profession.</p>
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<h1>Kervin Vasquez, Web Developer</h1>
<p>I am a <strong>professional</strong> and creative Web Developer involved with latest web design trends and technologies best practices. Coding is my passion, and creating solutions is my profession.</p>
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<h1>Frontend Developer</h1>
<p>Specialized on the use of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Experience with multiple responsive frameworks. </p>
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<h1>Backend Developer</h1>
<p>Experience on building dynamic applications with backend languages like Ruby on Rails and PHP </p>
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<h2>Course Goals</h2>
<p>My goal is to improve my technical skills, and get hired as an web developer. I would like to star my own business someday.</p>
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<h2>Portfolio Concept</h2>
<p>I have experience with the fundamentals of web development. I would like to show my passion for clean code, and elegant styling. </p>
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<h2>Project Goals</h2>
<p>I would like to commit myself to work on these projects at least 30 hours a week, and also code whenever I get a chance. </p>
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<p>Here you can find some examples of my most recent work.</p>
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<p>These are some of the questions that I get asked frequently, but if you have any other doubt just let me know!</p>
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<h4 class="panel-title">
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<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> How did you get started with computers?
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<div class="panel-body">
I remember using my first computer when I was 5 years old, back to the windows 3.0 days. It's been 19 years after that and ever since then I've thought of computers as one the best tools that we can have. Later in my life when I was deciding what career
to choose I realized that I really enjoyed working with computers and I wanted to learn how to program them based on people's needs so their life could become easier. That's why I studied computer information system engineering.
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<h4 class="panel-title">
<a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseTwo">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Why did you decide to become a web developer?
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I decided to become a Web Developer after I realized that Internet is the network that connects us all thus it's the fastest and more reliable plattaform to share things the people!
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<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Who are your clients?
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I've worked for different kind of clients, all the way from personal sites, small businesses, non-profit organizations, and enterprise level sites. I really enjoy working for non-profit organizations most of the time, because I feel that by the simple
fact of creating a web page for them I'm contributing to their growth.
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<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Do you like any other platform besides Web Development?
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Of course I do! I first got started on software development by building small desktop applications using C# and I have some experience with Swift for iOS development. If I could learn a new language every day definitely I would do it.
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<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Would you encourage others to learn coding?
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YES! It's the best decision that you can take for your career. It's not an easy path but it's a really rewarding one. Just give a try!
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<h1>About Me</h1>
<p>My passion is to create solutions and solve puzzles through the use of code. Coffee gives me energy. I love the beach.</p>
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<div class="skills card">
<h2>My Skills</h2>
<ul id="skill-list">
<li>Responsive Design</li>
<li>Version Control</li>
<li>Test Driven Development</li>
<li>HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, Swift</li>
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<h2>My Story</h2>
<p>My name is Kervin Vasquez, and this is my first project createad during the frontend section of careersfoundry's web development course. I'm a Web Developer with experience in different programming languages inclunding desktop and mobile oriented.</p>
I studied information system engineering focused on desktop application. This is how I learned to always have a "programmer" mindset. I discovered that most problems have a logical solution, and a logical series of steps to solve it. </p>
<p>As a web designer and developer, my objective is to make a positive impact on clients, co-workers, and the internet using my skills and experience to design compellin, useful and attractive websites. I enjoy working with teams or by myself
on projects that involve a mix of web and graphic design, web development, database management or any other kind of challenging yet fun enviroment. When it's necessary to keep up with new technologies or even learn something from scratch
I'm always eager to do it. I believe that every problem has a great solution, and that it's never to late to learn something new!</p>
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<h2 class="title">Kervin Vasquez, Web Developer</h2>
<p><strong>Hey!</strong> Do you need help with a small project? Do you need need help with a giant project!? Or maybe you are learning web development and you have a question. <strong>Don't hesitate</strong> to reach me out. I'm here to help
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<h1>Contact Info</h1>
<p>You can email me, call me, or if you simply want to keep up to date with my most recent work, you can follow me through my social channels.</p>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-earphone"></span>
<strong>(818) 555-5555</strong>
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<p>Green Jocote &copy; 2016</p>
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