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var api = {};
PART 1: Implement fanOut.
fanOut - return a new collection of results after applying the
input function to each item in the input collection.
args: input - input collection
fn - function to apply to each item in the collection
EX: - fanOut([1, 2, 3], double) --> [1, 4, 9];
function double(n) { return n * n; }
- Do not use make any function calls (other than fn)
- You may not use any external libraries
api.fanOut = function(input, fn) {
// TODO: your implementation here.
// return{
// return, number);
// });
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
results.push(, input[i]));
return results;
PART 2: Implement funnel.
funnel - return an result after applying an accumulation function to
each item in the collection. Funneling down to a single result.
args: input - input collection
fn - function to apply to each item in the collection with
args accumulation value and current value
startValue - start the accumulation with this value
EX: - funnel([1, 2, 3], add, 0) --> 6;
- funnel([1, 2], add, 1) --> 4
function add(total, n) { return total + n; }
- Do not use make any function calls (other than fn)
- You may not use any external libraries
api.funnel = function(input, fn, startValue){
// TODO: your implementation here.
// return input.reduce(function(prev, number){
// return fn.apply(this, [prev, number]);
// }, startValue);
var total = startValue;
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
total = fn.apply(this, [total, input[i]]);
return total;
PART 3: Implement distill.
distill - return a new collection of results after applying the
predicate function to each item. Only include the item in the result
if the predicate returns true.
args: input - input collection
fn - predicate function to apply to each item in the collection
EX: - distill([1, 2, 3], isEven) --> [2];
- distill([1, 2, 3], isOdd) --> [1, 3];
- distill([1, 2, 3], isNegative) --> [];
- Do not use make any function calls (other than fn)
- You may not use any external libraries
api.distill = function(input, fn){
// TODO: your implementation here.
// return input.filter(function(number){
// return, number);
// });
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
if(, input[i])) results.push(input[i]);
return results;
PART 4: Implement numberOfChars.
numberOfChars - return the number of characters in the input array of strings
args: input - input collection of strings (words)
EX: - numberOfChars(['the']) --> 3;
- numberOfChars(['the', 'end']) --> 6;
- You MAY use fanOut, funnel, and distill, and the length property
- You may not use make any other function calls
- You may not use any external libraries
api.numberOfChars = function(input){
// TODO: your implementation here
// return input.reduce(function(prev, curr){
// return prev + curr.length;
// }, 0);
return api.funnel(input, function(prev, curr){
return prev + curr.length;
}, 0);
PART 4: Implement numberOfCertainChars.
numberOfCertainChars - return the number of c characters in the input array of strings
args: input - input collection of strings (words)
c - the certain character to count
EX: - numberOfCertainChars(['the'], 'e') --> 1;
- numberOfChars(['the', 'end'], 'e') --> 2;
- You MAY use fanOut, funnel, and distill, and the length property
- You may not use make any other function calls
- You may not use any external libraries
api.numberOfCertfainChars= function(input, c){
return api.funnel(input, function(total, value){
return total + (value.toLowerCase().match(new RegExp(c.toLowerCase(), "g")) || []).length;
}, 0);
api.numberOfAs = function(input) {
return api.numberOfCertainChars(input, 'a');
module.exports = api;
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