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Last active January 2, 2016 17:19
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####expect{} vs expect()

I don't really understand procs.

####RSpec tagging Use tags to run only specific tests.

Command line -- bundle exec rspec --tag focus spec/features/tags_spec.rb Test -- note the :focus => true name:value pair. See documentation for details.

scenario "delete a tag", :focus => true do
  visit tags_path
  click_link "SimpleForm"
  click_button "Delete Tag"
  expect(current_path).to eq tags_path
  expect(page).to_not have_content("SimpleForm")

####Testing boolean values Test

describe Tag do
  it "is invalid without a Name" do
    invalid_params = { name: nil }
    tag = Tag.create(name: "RSpec")
    expect(tag.update(invalid_params)).to be false



  1) Tag is invalid without a Name
     Failure/Error: expect(tag.update(invalid_params)).to be false

       expected #<FalseClass:0> => false
            got #<TrueClass:20> => true

       Compared using equal?, which compares object identity,
       but expected and actual are not the same object. Use
       `expect(actual).to eq(expected)` if you don't care about
       object identity in this example.
     # ./spec/models/tag_spec.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.02042 seconds
1 example, 1 failure

####Testing default controller rendering Is this kind of a pointless test since this is the default rails behavior?

describe "GET #index" do
  it "renders the :index template" do
    get :index
    expect(response).to render_template :index

On the other hand, here I'm redirecting to #index so testing this may make more sense.

describe "PATCH #update" do
  context "with valid attributes" do
    it "redirects to the :index template" do
      patch :update, { id:, tag: { name: "rspec" } }
      expect(response).to redirect_to tags_path

####Clean out DB? Did a puts "#{params}" in one of my controllers during a test I was running and saw this {"id"=>"444", "controller"=>"tags", "action"=>"update"}. Should I be cleaning out the DB in some way so that every time I run tests, id is back at 1?

####assigns() method requires instance variable in controller Test

context "with valid attributes" do
  it "finds the correct Tag from the DB" do
    patch :update, id: @tag, name: @tag
    expect(assigns(:tag)).to eq(@tag) 


def update
  @tag = Tag.find(params[:id])
  redirect_to tags_path, notice: "Tag updated"

If I used tag instead of @tag in my controller, the specs fail, expecting a Tag object and getting nil instead. I believe the reason for this is that assigns() method looks at the instance variable available to the view. In this case tag is not available to the view and so I see the nil result. This correct?

####update() method update() takes a key - value hash. If you pass it a key such as @tag.update(tag_params[:name]) you're going to get a NoMethodError something like undefined method stringify_keys' for "RSpec". stringify_keys is method that takes a hash and converts all the keys to strings, see documentation.

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