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Last active January 3, 2016 15:29
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####Strange Test Behavior

With no apparent order, the test will sometimes pass and sometimes not pass.

23:36:02 davemox@Daves-MacBook-Pro $ bundle exec rspec

Finished in 6.33 seconds
41 examples, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 44807

23:36:58 davemox@Daves-MacBook-Pro $ bundle exec rspec


  1) SearchController POST #results assigns all notes, associated with params[:tags_list], to @notes
     Failure/Error: post :results, { tag_list: tag_ids }
       Couldn't find all Tags with IDs (3, 4, 16) (found 0 results, but was looking for 3)
     # ./app/controllers/search_controller.rb:16:in `results'
     # ./spec/controllers/search_controller_spec.rb:51:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 7.06 seconds
41 examples, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/controllers/search_controller_spec.rb:49 # SearchController POST #results assigns all notes, associated with params[:tags_list], to @notes

Randomized with seed 8682

####Search querying method placement Would you place the SearchController#results query stuff in a different method? And where would you put it? One of the models? This is the code I'm talking about:

  def results
    tag_list = params[:tag_list].strip.split
    @notes = Tag.find(tag_list).map { |x| x.notes.to_a }.flatten.uniq

####Feature spec for adding note with tags So my feature spec scenario "create a note and tag it" basically does the exact same thing as the spec above it, scenario "create a note" except I'm now selecting some tags to add to the Note. The unit tests in the controller/model will cover the real guts of making sure the tag to note association is made. Should this feature be squashed into the first one, the 'create a note' one? Or should they be separate. Here are the two tests:

feature 'Add a new note' do
  # don't need to say "without tags" because tags aren't a feature
  scenario "create a note" do
    visit root_path
    # don't test that Note count +1, that's internals
    fill_in 'note[title]', with: 'This is a sample note'
    fill_in 'note[content]', with: 'Content for our sample note'
    click_button 'Add Note'
    # don't need this since if i redirect to the correct page, I'll see the notice
    expect(current_path).to eq new_note_path
    expect(page).to have_content "Note created"

  scenario "create a note and tag it" do
    visit root_path
    fill_in 'note[title]', with: 'ActiveRecord and Postgres'
    fill_in 'note[content]', with: 'A note about using Postgresql with ActiveRecord'
    click_button 'Rails'
    click_button 'Ruby'
    click_button 'Postgres'
    click_button 'Ruby'
    click_button 'Add Note'
    expect(current_path).to eq new_note_path
    expect(page).to have_content "Note created"
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