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Last active March 8, 2018 14:43
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import numpy as np
PIXEL_NO = 8*400
PIXEL_AREA = 50*50
HIT_RATE_CM = 0.5*(10**9) # this is hit rate should be region rate for this
pixel_hit_rate_bx = ((float(PIXEL_AREA)/(10000*10000)) * HIT_RATE_CM )/ (40*(10**6))
trig_mem = np.full((100000) ,-1,
stat_trig = np.full((10000) ,0,
wait_time = np.full((10000) ,0,
hits_list = {}
reg_wait_time = 0
hits_count = 0
trig_id = 0
trig_req_id = 0
for bx in range(1000000): #(1000000):
trig = np.random.rand(1) < TRIGGER_RATE #if trigger
if trig:
hits = np.count_nonzero(np.random.rand(PIXEL_NO) < pixel_hit_rate_bx) #lottery
empty = np.where(trig_mem==-1)[0] #check in queue empty position
trig_mem[empty[:hits]] = trig_id #insert
hits_list[trig_id] = [bx,hits]
trig_id += 1
#every 2nd bx remove one hit or move with trigger
if bx % 2 == 0:
reg_hits = np.where(trig_mem==trig_req_id)[0]
if len(reg_hits): #if hits with this trigger id
waited = bx - hits_list[trig_req_id][0]
ht = hits_list[trig_req_id][1]
hits_count += ht
reg_wait_time += (waited*ht)
wait_time[waited] += ht
trig_mem[reg_hits[0]] = -1
reg_hits = np.where(trig_mem==trig_req_id)[0]
if len(reg_hits) == 0:
if trig_id > trig_req_id:
trig_req_id += 1
trig_in_fifo = np.count_nonzero(np.unique(trig_mem))-1
stat_trig[trig_in_fifo] += 1
if bx % 1000 == 999:
print 'bx:', bx , 'trig_queue:', trig_in_fifo
print 'trigger size hist', stat_trig[:200]
print 'wait_time hist', wait_time[:200]'trg_fifo.npy', stat_trig)'wait.npy', wait_time)
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