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Created January 8, 2020 15:05
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public ref struct SpanWriter
private readonly Span<byte> _buffer;
private int _position;
public int Remaining => Count - Position;
public int Count { get; }
public int Position
get => _position;
private set
if (value > Count || value < 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Cannot set position at {value} because < 0 or > count:{Count} !");
_position = value;
public SpanWriter(Span<byte> buffer)
Count = buffer.Length;
_buffer = buffer;
_position = 0;
Position = 0;
public void Seek(int position) => Position = position;
public void Advance(int count) => Position += count;
public Span<byte> GetSpan(int count = 0)
=> count == 0
? _buffer.Slice(Position)
: _buffer.Slice(Position, count);
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