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Created November 18, 2016 23:15
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The floating cluster info component
import React from 'react';
import ReactDom from 'react-dom';
import {Entity} from 'aframe-react';
import io from '';
const socket = io('http://localhost:9003');
class ClusterInfo extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
podCount: 0,
deployCount: 0
this.getClusterInfo = this.getClusterInfo.bind(this);
socket.on('clusterData', (info) => this.updateClusterInfo(info));
componentWillMount() {
updateClusterInfo(info) {
this.setState({podCount: info.pods.count});
this.setState({deployCount: info.deployments.count});
getClusterInfo() {
socket.emit('fetchClusterInfo', 'true')
componentDidMount() {
// This doesn't belong here.
document.querySelector('#k8s-logo').setAttribute('material', 'flatShading: true; metalness: 1.00; roughness: 0.60');
[]'.k8s-hands')).forEach((el) => el.setAttribute('material', 'flatShading: true; color: #3671E3; metalness: .30; roughness: 0.20'));
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
let podCount = this.state.podCount + " pods";
let deployCount = this.state.deployCount + " deployments";
<Entity id="cluster-info-holder" onLoadmenu={this.getClusterInfo}>
<Entity key="k8s-ui"
geometry={{ primitive: 'box', width: "3", height:"2", depth: "0.05" }}
material={{ color: "#000", opacity: 0, metalness: 0.4}}
animation__fadein={{property: "material.opacity", dur: 500, to: .88, startEvents: 'fadeIn'}}
animation__fadeout={{property: "scale", easing: "easeInCirc", dur: 500, from: '0, 0, 0', to: '1, 1, 1', startEvents: 'fadeIn'}} />
<Entity id="kubecon-text"
position="-1.2 .5 0.15"
text={{text: "Kubernetes", font: "exo 2 black", size: 0.2, height: 0}}
material={{ color: "#3671E3"}} />
<Entity id="kubecon-shadow"
position="-1.2 .5 0.15"
text={{text: "Kubernetes", font: "exo 2 black", size: 0.2, height: 0, bevelEnabled: true, bevelSize: 0.01, bevelThickness: 0.01, curveSegments: 1}}
material="shader: flat; color:white;transparent: true; opacity: 0.4;" />
<Entity id="cluster-info-text"
position=".45 .5 0.15"
text={{text: "cluster info", size: 0.1, height: 0}}
material={{shader: "flat", color: "white"}} />
<Entity id="pod-info-text"
position="-1.2 .2 0.15"
text={{text: podCount, font: "exo 2 black", size: 0.15, height: 0}}
material={{shader: "flat", color: "white"}} />
<Entity id="deploy-info-text"
position="-1.2 0 0.15"
text={{text: deployCount, font: "exo 2 black", size: 0.15, height: 0}}
material={{shader: "flat", color: "white"}} />
<Entity id="create-pod-button"
geometry={{ primitive: 'box', width: 0.4, height: 0.18, depth: 0.03}}
material={{ color: "green", metalness: 0.4}}
position=".6 -0.7 0.15"
export default ClusterInfo;
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