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Created April 17, 2024 16:29
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Create portable RDM 2024.x installation
function BootstrapPortableRDM {
Bootstrap a portable installation of RDM 2024.x
You must provide the zipped .NET Runtime and .NET Windows Desktop Runtime. The
zip releases are not available on the Microsoft download page but can be found
in the project releases at
Additionally you must provide the zipped Remote Desktop Manager and a location to
create the portable package root.
A launch script will be generated in the packaged `RDM` directory.
$PackageRoot=Join-Path $Env:USERPROFILE "portable"
./setup-environment.ps1 -DotNetRuntimeArchiveFilePath "" -DotNetDesktopRuntimeArchiveFilePath "" -RemoteDesktopManagerArchiveFilePath "" -PackageRootDirectory $PackageRoot
& $(Join-Path $PackageRoot "RDM/launch-rdm.ps1")
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage="The .NET Runtime .zip archive")]
[string] $DotNetRuntimeArchiveFilePath,
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage="The .NET Windows Desktop Runtime .zip archive")]
[string] $DotNetDesktopRuntimeArchiveFilePath,
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage="The Remote Desktop Manager .zip archive")]
[string] $RemoteDesktopManagerArchiveFilePath,
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage="The root packaging folder")]
[string] $PackageRootDirectory
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
$DotNetRuntimeArchiveFilePath = Resolve-Path $DotNetRuntimeArchiveFilePath
$DotNetDesktopRuntimeArchiveFilePath= Resolve-Path $DotNetDesktopRuntimeArchiveFilePath
$RemoteDesktopManagerArchiveFilePath= Resolve-Path $RemoteDesktopManagerArchiveFilePath
New-Item -Path $PackageRootDirectory -Type Directory -Force
Push-Location $PackageRootDirectory
Expand-Archive $RemoteDesktopManagerArchiveFilePath -DestinationPath "RDM"
Expand-Archive $DotNetRuntimeArchiveFilePath -DestinationPath "dotnet"
Expand-Archive $DotNetDesktopRuntimeArchiveFilePath -DestinationPath "dotnet"
$LaunchScript = @'
$DotNetRoot = Join-Path $(Get-Item $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName "dotnet"
$RdmDir = Join-Path $(Get-Item $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName "RDM"
$Rdm = Join-Path $RdmDir "RemoteDesktopManager.exe"
& "$Rdm"
$LaunchScript | Out-File $(Join-Path RDM "launch-rdm.ps1")
BootstrapPortableRDM @args
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