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Form-O-Fill: Example of findHtml() -> sending data to an API -> display it
var rules = [{
// This rule demonstrates:
// 1. Fetching DOM elements from the page
// 2. Taking content from those DOM elements and send it to a API
// 3. Taking the response JSON from the API and change
// a form field based on that
// To test it import the rule, goto ''
// and press the Form-O-Fill extension button
// Now the search field at the top right should have a personalized Chuck Norris joke
// inside :)
"url": "",
"name": "Fetch content from page -> GET to API -> do something with the response",
"before": function(resolve, context) {
// Just a message:
Libs.h.displayMessage("Take a look at the search field on the top right!");
// Search for baby names
context.findHtml("a[href^='/baby-names-']").then(function(babyNames) {
// Take the first and use it in the GET to the Chuck Norris joke API :)
//, { the: data }) would also work
// Choose a random name from all found names and strip HTML
var name = babyNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * babyNames.length)].replace(/<.*?>/g, "");
jQuery.get("" + name, function(serviceAnswer) {
// Take the joke from the JSON response and use it as $data for value functions below
"fields": [{
// Fill search field with a Chuck Norris joke
"selector": "#q",
"value": function($el, $data) {
return $data;
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