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Created July 16, 2019 09:48
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LaTeX code for writing Project Reports (Format of NCIT College)
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{report}
% gives the margin to the page for entire document
\usepackage[bindingoffset=1.57cm, left=2.54cm, right=2.54cm, top=2.54cm, bottom=2.54cm]{geometry}
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
%Line Spacing options
A Major/Minor Project on
\huge %24pt
\textbf {\{Project Title\}}
\large %14pt
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the \\
Requirements for the Degree of \\
\textbf {\{Author's Degree\}} \\
under Pokhara University
Submitted by: \\
\textbf {\{Author1 Name\}, \{Roll Number\}} \\
\textbf {\{Author2 Name\}, \{Roll Number\}} \\
\textbf {\{Author3 Name\}, \{Roll Number\}} \\
Under the supervision of: \\
\textbf {\{Supervisor Name\}}
Date: \\
\textbf {dd MMM yyyy}
\textbf {\{Department of XYZ\}}
\Large %17pt
\LARGE %21pt
\textbf {\underline {INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY} }
\small %11 pt
Balkumari, Lalitpur, Nepal
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