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Created August 12, 2015 12:09
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object Fairland {
val INPUT = ""
val OUTPUT = INPUT.takeWhile(_ != '.') + ".out"
val isConsole = true
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val itr = Source.fromFile(INPUT).getLines()
val stream = if (isConsole) Console.out else new FileOutputStream(OUTPUT)
try {
Console.withOut(stream) {
val sets =
(1 to sets).foreach { set =>
val Array(n, d) =' ').map(_.toInt)
val Array(sInit, as, cs, rs) =' ').map(_.toInt)
val Array(mInit, am, cm, rm) =' ').map(_.toInt)
var sBefore = sInit
var mBefore = mInit
val vector = for {
i <- (1 until n).toVector
} yield {
mBefore = (mBefore * am + cm) % rm
sBefore = (sBefore * as + cs) % rs
(i, mBefore % i, sBefore)
val allVector = (0, -1, sInit) +: vector
println(f"Case #$set: ${numberOfEmployeee(allVector, d)}")
} finally {
if (!isConsole) stream.close()
* @note recursive 하게 depth first search를 하였을 경우 large data set에서 overflow 발생.
* 최대한 원래 소스를 변경하지 않는 범위에서 tail recursion이 되도록 변경해봄.(느려요...)
def search(map: Map[Int, Vector[(Int, Int, Int)]], stream: Vector[(Int, Int, Int)], d: Int, accr: Vector[(Int, Int)]): Vector[(Int, Int)] = stream match {
case Vector() => accr
case (current, mMin, mMax) +: xs if map.isDefinedAt(current) =>
val list: collection.mutable.ListBuffer[(Int, Int)] = collection.mutable.ListBuffer()
val newStream = for {
(id,bossId,salary) <- map(current) if salary + d >= mMin && salary <= mMax
} yield {
val newMin = salary max mMin
val newMax = mMax min salary + d
list.prepend((newMin, 1), (newMax + 1, -1))
(id, newMin, newMax)
search(map, xs ++ newStream, d, accr ++ list)
case x +: xs => search(map, xs, d, accr)
def numberOfEmployeee(vector: Vector[(Int, Int, Int)], d: Int) = {
val childVector = vector.tail.groupBy(_._2).toMap
val mMin = vector.head._3
val mMax = vector.head._3 + d
val ret: Vector[(Int, Int)] = (mMin, 1) +: (mMax + 1, -1) +: search(childVector, Vector((0, mMin, mMax)), d, Vector())
//같은 지점의 증감을 모두 합한다.
val grouped = ret.groupBy(_._1).map {
case (key, list) => (key,
grouped.foldLeft((0, 0)) {
case ((max, current), (_, variation)) =>
val m = current + variation
(max max m, m)
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