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Last active December 11, 2015 23:48
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Play Future 처리 예제
def bbb:Future[List[String]] = future { List("hi","there") }
def failedFuture:[List[String]] = future{ throw new RuntimeException("~~") } // or Future.failed(throw new ~~())
def action1 = Action {
bbb map {
list => //list:List[String]
Ok(list.mkString("~ "))
def action2 = Action {
Async {
for {
list <- bbb // list:List[String] <- bbb:Future[List[String]]
test <- failed //It will be failed
} yield {
Ok("It doesn't run")
} recover {//퓨쳐가 실패하면 여기서 에러(중 일부 또는 전부. 여기서는 전부)를 성공으로 봐꿔서 전달.
case e:Throwable => BadRequest(e.getMessage) //이 예제에서는 BadRequest가 나감.
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