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Created November 20, 2015 13:26
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object DNA {
def solve(dna: String) = {
val array = new Array[(Int,Int,Int,Int)](dna.length)
def getSizeOf(idx:Int, a:Int = 0, b:Int = 0, c:Int = 0, d:Int = 0):Unit = idx match {
case -1 => Unit
case _ =>
dna(idx) match {
case 'a' =>
array.update(idx, (a +1 , b, c, d))
getSizeOf(idx -1, a + 1, b, c , d)
case 'b' =>
array.update(idx, (a, b + 1, c, d))
getSizeOf(idx -1, a , b + 1, c , d)
case 'c' =>
array.update(idx, (a, b, c + 1, d))
getSizeOf(idx -1, a, b, c + 1 , d)
case 'd' =>
array.update(idx, (a, b, c, d + 1))
getSizeOf(idx -1, a, b, c, d + 1)
getSizeOf(dna.length -1)
// println(dna)
// array.foreach((x) => println(x._1, x._2, x._3, x._4))
case class Accr(char:Option[Char], idx:Int, a:Int =0, b:Int =0, c:Int =0, d:Int = 0) {
def add(char:Option[Char]):(Accr,Accr) = char match {
case Some('a') =>
(this.copy(char, idx = this.idx + 1, a = a + 1), this.copy(idx = this.idx + 1))
case Some('b') =>
(this.copy(char, idx = this.idx + 1, b = b + 1), this.copy(idx = this.idx + 1))
case Some('c') =>
(this.copy(char, idx = this.idx + 1, c = c + 1), this.copy(idx = this.idx + 1))
case Some('d') =>
(this.copy(char, idx = this.idx + 1, d = d + 1), this.copy(idx = this.idx + 1))
def _solve(accr:Vector[Accr], completed:Vector[Accr]):Vector[Accr] = accr match {
case Vector() => completed
case x +: xs if x.idx == dna.length => _solve(xs, completed)
case x +: xs =>
(dna(x.idx), x.char) match {
case ('a', None) =>
val (newX, newX2) = x.add(Some('a'))
_solve(xs :+ newX :+ newX2, completed)
case ('a', Some('a')) =>
val (newX, newX2) = x.add(Some('a'))
_solve(xs :+ newX :+ newX2, completed)
case ('b', Some('a')) =>
val (newX, newX2) = x.add(Some('b'))
_solve(xs :+ newX :+ newX2, completed)
case ('b', Some('b')) =>
val (newX, newX2) = x.add(Some('b'))
_solve(xs :+ newX :+ newX2, completed)
case ('c', Some('b')) =>
val (newX, newX2) = x.add(Some('c'))
_solve(xs :+ newX :+ newX2, completed)
case ('c', Some('c')) =>
val (newX, newX2) = x.add(Some('c'))
_solve(xs :+ newX :+ newX2, completed)
case ('d', Some('c')) =>
val (newX, newX2) = x.add(Some('d'))
_solve(xs :+ newX :+ newX2, completed :+ newX)
case ('d', Some('d')) =>
val (newX, newX2) = x.add(Some('d'))
_solve(xs :+ newX :+ newX2, completed :+ newX)
case ('a', Some('d')) if dna.drop(x.idx + 1).toSet.size < 4 => _solve(xs , completed)
case ('a', Some('d')) =>
val (newX, newX2) = x.add(Some('a'))
if(x.a == x.c && x.b == x.d)
_solve(xs :+ newX :+ newX2, completed)
_solve(xs :+ newX2, completed)
case _ =>
_solve(xs :+ x.copy(idx = x.idx + 1), completed)
println("=" *50)
if(dna.toSet.size == 4) {
val ret = _solve(Vector(Accr(None, 0)), Vector()).filter((p) => p.a == p.c && p.b == p.d)
// ret.foreach(x => println(x.toString))
// println("=" *50)
}else {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val INPUT = ""
val OUTPUT = INPUT.takeWhile(_ != '.') + ".out"
val isConsole = false
val itr = Source.fromFile(INPUT).getLines()
val stream = if (isConsole) Console.out else new PrintStream(OUTPUT)
try {
val sets =
(1 to sets).foreach { set =>
stream.println(f"Case #$set: ${solve(}")
} finally {
if (!isConsole) stream.close()
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