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Created October 30, 2015 13:30
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object Travel {
case class Path(currentPos: Int, time: Int, cost: Int, paths: Set[Int])
def solve(itr: Iterator[String]) = {
println("-" * 50)
val Array(cities, loads, tests) =' ').map(_.toInt)
def createMap(i: Int, costMap: Map[(Int, Int), Array[Int]], map: Map[Int, Vector[Int]]): (Map[(Int, Int), Array[Int]], Map[Int, Vector[Int]]) = i match {
case -1 => (costMap, map)
case _ =>
val Array(from, to) =' ').map(_.toInt)
val arr =' ').map(_.toInt)
val fValue = map.getOrElse(from, Vector()) :+ to
val tValue = map.getOrElse(to, Vector()) :+ from
createMap(i - 1, costMap + ((from, to) -> arr) + ((to, from) -> arr), map + (from -> fValue) + (to -> tValue))
val (costMap, map) = createMap(loads - 1, Map(), Map())
def findPath(accr: Vector[Path], dest: Int, ret: Int): Int = accr match {
case Vector() => ret
case x +: xs =>
val available = map.getOrElse(x.currentPos, Vector()).filterNot(i => x.paths.contains(i))
if (available.isEmpty) {
findPath(xs, dest, ret)
else {
val (cPath, newPaths) = { path =>
val cost = costMap((x.currentPos, path))(x.time)
Path(path, (x.time + cost) % 24, x.cost + cost, x.paths + path)
}.partition(_.currentPos == dest)
val newPath = if (ret != -1) (xs ++ newPaths).filter(_.cost < ret) else xs ++ newPaths
val newRet = cPath.headOption match {
case Some(r) if ret == -1 => r.cost
case Some(r) => r.cost min ret
case None => ret
findPath(newPath, dest, newRet)
(0 until tests).map { i =>
val Array(d, time) =' ').map(_.toInt)
println("*" * 20)
val ret = findPath(Vector(Path(1, time, 0, Set(1))), d, -1)
}.mkString(" ")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val INPUT = ""
val OUTPUT = INPUT.takeWhile(_ != '.') + ".out"
val isConsole = false
val itr = Source.fromFile(INPUT).getLines()
val stream = if (isConsole) Console.out else new PrintStream(OUTPUT)
try {
val sets =
(1 to sets).foreach { set =>
stream.println(f"Case #$set: ${solve(itr)}")
} finally {
if (!isConsole) stream.close()
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