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Created July 27, 2015 00:27
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* 풀에 물을 채우는 가장 좋은 방법은 모든 관을 하나의 관처럼 생각하고 그 관을 들이 붓는것.
* 하지만 그 경우 온도가 틀릴수 있다.
* 온도가 틀릴 경우, 목표 온도를 기준으로 두개 의 리스트를 만든다.
* 열량 호율 측면에서.
* 온도가 낮을 경우, 낮은 묶음 중 가장 낮은 온도의 관부터 잠근다.
* 온도가 높을 경우, 높은 묶음 중에서 가장 높은 온도의 관부터 잠궈나간다.
object KiddiePool {
val INPUT = ""
val OUTPUT = INPUT.takeWhile(_ != '.') + ".out"
val isConsole = false
* @param r rate of water
* @param c temperature
case class Pipe(r: Double, c: Double) {
def merge(pipe: Pipe) = {
val volume = r + pipe.r
Pipe(volume, (c * r + pipe.c * pipe.r) / volume)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val itr = Source.fromFile(INPUT).getLines()
val stream = if (isConsole) Console.out else new FileOutputStream(OUTPUT)
try {
Console.withOut(stream) {
val sets =
(1 to sets).foreach { set =>
val Array(pipes, v, x) =' ').map(_.toDouble)
val ps = (1 to pipes.toInt).map { _ =>
val Array(r, c) =' ').map(_.toDouble)
Pipe(r, c)
println(f"Case #$set: ${minimumSeconds(ps.toList, v, x)}")
} finally {
if (!isConsole) stream.close()
* @param ps
* @param V Traget Volume
* @param X Target Temperature
* @return
def minimumSeconds(ps: List[Pipe], V: Double, X: Double) = {
def fastenPipes(cList: List[Pipe], opened: Pipe, comp: (Double) => Boolean, currentTemp: Double): Option[Double] = cList match {
case x :: xs =>
val Pipe(size, adjustedT) = mergePipes(opened :: xs)
if (Math.abs(adjustedT - X) < 0.0000000001) {
Some(V / size)
} else if (comp(adjustedT)) {
//x 를 배제해도 여전히 뜨겁거나 차가운 경우,
fastenPipes(xs, opened, comp, adjustedT)
} else {
* T = ((V0*X0)+(V1*X1)) / (V0 + V1)
* -> X = ((size * adjustedT) + (x.c * newRate)) / (size + newRate)
* -> X*size + X*newRate = size * adjustedT + x.c * newRate
* -> x.c * newRate - X*newRate = X*size - size * adjustedT
* -> (x.c - X) * newRate = X*size - size * adjustedT
* -> newRate = (X*size - size * adjustedT) / (x.C - X)
val rate = (X - adjustedT) * size / (x.c - X)
// if(rate.isNaN()) {
// println("weird - nan", adjustedT, opened, xs)
// None
// } else {
Some(V / (size + rate))
// }
val mergedPipes = mergePipes(ps)
val currentTemperature = mergedPipes.c
val ret = if (Math.abs(currentTemperature - X) < 0.0000000001) {
Some(V / mergedPipes.r)
} else {
val sortedList = ps.sortBy(_.c)
val (lowerSources, others) = sortedList.span(_.c < X)
val (neutralSource, higherSource) = others.span(_.c == X)
if (neutralSource.isEmpty && (higherSource.isEmpty || lowerSources.isEmpty)) { //Impossible
} else {
val (controlledPipes, openedPipe, func) =
if (currentTemperature > X)
(higherSource.reverse, mergePipes(lowerSources ++ neutralSource), (x: Double) => x > X)
else (lowerSources, mergePipes(higherSource ++ neutralSource), (x: Double) => x < X)
fastenPipes(controlledPipes, openedPipe, func, currentTemperature)
ret match {
case Some(d) => d.toString
case None => "IMPOSSIBLE"
def mergePipes(pipes: List[Pipe]) = (Pipe(0, 0) /: pipes)(_ merge _)
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