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Created June 5, 2017 23:01
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colormap defined in cielab space using scikit-image
import matplotlib as mpl
from collections import Iterable
from copy import copy
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from skimage import color
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
class SplineND(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, k=3, s=0, **kwargs):
y = np.asarray(y)
if not isinstance(k, Iterable):
k = [k] * len(y.T)
if not isinstance(s, Iterable):
s = [s] * len(y.T)
s = [si * len(x) for si in s]
self.splines = []
for yi, ki, si in zip(y.T, k, s):
x, yi, k=ki, s=si, **kwargs))
def __call__(self, x):
return np.array([s(x) for s in self.splines]).T
class LabColorMap(object):
def __init__(self, npoints=100):
xdim, ydim = npoints, 256
self.x = np.linspace(0, 1, xdim)
self.ll = np.linspace( 0, 100, ydim).reshape((-1,1))
self.aa = np.linspace(-128, 128, ydim).reshape((-1,1)) = np.linspace(-128, 128, ydim).reshape((-1,1))
self.spline_orders = [2, 3, 3]
self.smoothing = [50, 10, 10]
self.control_points = np.array([
[ 1.22500263e+01, -1.11877281e-04, -2.08501245e-03],
[ 5.78254174e+01, -3.71519150e+01, -2.95909928e+00],
[ 4.62778614e+01, -3.24822705e+01, 4.89168388e+01],
[ 6.51147179e+01, 2.55361420e+01, 7.04871038e+01],
[ 7.29456546e+01, 1.81239956e+01, 7.66668101e+01],
[ 8.11730475e+01, -6.86684464e-01, -2.48256768e-01],
[ 9.99999845e+01, -4.59389408e-04, -8.56145792e-03]])
self.control_x = np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.control_points))
self._imdata = np.empty((ydim, xdim, 3))
self._alpha = np.empty((ydim, xdim))
def alpha(self, data, alpha_at_limits=1.0):
self._alpha[...] = 1
for channel in np.rollaxis(data, axis=-1):
self._alpha[channel<0.001] = alpha_at_limits
self._alpha[channel>0.999] = alpha_at_limits
return self._alpha
def imdata(self):
l, a, b = self.cielab_colors.T
extent = [self.x.min(), self.x.max(), self.ll.min(), self.ll.max()]
self._imdata[:,:,0] = self.ll
self._imdata[:,:,1] = a
self._imdata[:,:,2] = b
data = color.lab2rgb(self._imdata)
ret = [(np.dstack([data, self.alpha(data)]), copy(extent))]
extent[-2] = self.aa.min()
extent[-1] = self.aa.max()
self._imdata[:,:,0] = l
self._imdata[:,:,1] = self.aa
data = color.lab2rgb(self._imdata)
ret += [(np.dstack([data, self.alpha(data)]), copy(extent))]
extent[-2] =
extent[-1] =
self._imdata[:,:,1] = a
self._imdata[:,:,2] =
data = color.lab2rgb(self._imdata)
ret += [(np.dstack([data, self.alpha(data)]), copy(extent))]
return ret
def update_data(self):
self.spline = SplineND(self.control_x, self.control_points,
self.spline_orders, self.smoothing)
self.cielab_colors = self.spline(self.x)
def plot(self):
self.figure, self.axes = pyplot.subplots(4)
kw = dict(origin='lower', aspect='auto') = []
for ax, (data, extent) in zip(self.axes, cmap.imdata()):, extent=extent, **kw))
self.lines = []
for ax, pts in zip(self.axes, np.asarray(self.control_points).T):
self.lines.append(ax.plot(self.control_x, pts, marker='o', lw=1, c='black'))
return self.figure, self.axes,
def update_plot(self):
for im, (data, extent) in zip(, self.imdata()):
def mpl_cmap(self, name):
rgb = color.lab2rgb(self.cielab_colors.reshape(-1,1,3))
return LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name, rgb.squeeze())
def plot_comb(self):
nperiods, npoints, amplitude = 80, 50, 70
x = np.linspace(0, nperiods * 2 * np.pi, npoints * nperiods)
y = np.linspace(0, amplitude, npoints * 10)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
img = X + Y * np.sin(X) * (Y**2 / Y.max()**2)
ax = self.axes[3]
cmap = self.mpl_cmap('cmap')
ax.imshow(img, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto', origin='lower', vmin=x[0], vmax=x[-1])
cmap = LabColorMap()
cmap.a = lambda x: (80 - 15) * x + 15
cmap.b = lambda x: -50 * x - 50
fig, ax, im = cmap.plot()
cmap.a = lambda x: (80 - 15) * x + 15
cmap.b = lambda x: 50 * x
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