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Last active March 27, 2024 18:22
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Migrate deprecated curly brace array access syntax to bracket syntax. Requires PHP 7.4.
$opts = getopt('f:d:rb:', ['ext:', 'php:', 'diff::']);
if ((int)isset($opts['d']) + (int)isset($opts['f']) !== 1) {
$self = basename(__FILE__);
echo <<<EOF
php $self -f<php_script> [-b] [--php <path_to_php>] [ --diff [<file>]]
php $self -d<dir_name> [-b] [-r] [--php <path_to_php>] [--ext <extension>[,<extension>...] [ --diff [<file>]]
-f<php_script> Convert single file <php_script>.
-d<dir_name> Convert all ".php"(see "--ext") files inside <dir_name> directory.
-r Walk through directories recursively. Without this flag only concrete directory will be processed.
-b<backup_dir> Backup converted files into <backup_dir>.
--ext Comma separated list of file extensions for conversion. If set then ".php" will not be added automatically.
--php <path_to_php> Path to PHP interpreter to migrate.
--diff[=<file>] Redirect diff-info into <file>. Write to stdout if <file> does not specified.
php $self -f./index.php -b --diff
Convert file ./index.php and make backup to ./index.php_backup and show diff
php $self -d/srv/http/api -r --ext phpt,php
Convert all ".php" and ".phpt" files inside whole /srv/http/api directory tree
php $self -d/srv/http/api --php /root/sapi/bin/php --diff=./diff.out
Convert all ".php" files inside /srv/http/api directory and write diff to ./diff.out
using /root/sapi/bin/php for check for deprecation
$converter = new Converter($opts);
if (isset($opts['f'])) {
} elseif (isset($opts['d'])) {
$converter->convertDirectory($opts['d'], isset($opts['r']));
class Converter
private string $php;
private string $backupDir;
private array $ext;
* @var bool|string
private $diff;
private string $dir = '';
private string $diffContent = '';
public function __construct(array $opts)
$this->php = isset($opts['php']) ? $opts['php'] : PHP_BINARY;
$this->backupDir = isset($opts['b']) ? rtrim($opts['b'], "/\\") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : '';
$this->ext = isset($opts['ext']) ? explode(',', $opts['ext']) : ['php'];
$this->diff = isset($opts['diff']) ? ($opts['diff'] !== false ? $opts['diff'] : true) : false;
if ($this->backupDir && !is_dir($this->backupDir)) {
$this->fatalError("Backup directory $this->backupDir not found");
public function convertDirectory(string $dir, bool $recursively): void
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
$this->fatalError("Target directory $dir not found");
$this->dir = rtrim($dir, "/\\") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$regex = '/^.+\.(' . implode('|', $this->ext) . ')$/';
if ($recursively) {
$dirIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
$path = '';
} else {
$dirIterator = new DirectoryIterator($dir);
$path = $this->dir;
$iterator = new RegexIterator($dirIterator, $regex, RegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
foreach ($iterator as $file) {
$this->convertFile($path . $file[0]);
public function convertFile(string $file): void
if (!is_file($file)) {
$this->fatalError("Target file $file not found");
$deprecated = $this->getDeprecatedLines($file);
if (empty($deprecated)) {
$tokens = token_get_all(file_get_contents($file));
$actualTokens = $this->actualTokens($tokens);
while ($braces = $this->findPair($actualTokens)) {
if (
$actualTokens[$braces[0]] !== '${' // Complex string.
&& $this->validNext($tokens, $braces[0], $braces[1])
) {
$tokens[$braces[0]] = '[';
$tokens[$braces[1]] = ']';
unset($actualTokens[$braces[0]], $actualTokens[$braces[1]]);
$convertedFile = $this->writeConverted($tokens, $file);
$this->diff($file, $convertedFile);
$this->backup($file, $convertedFile);
$notConverted = $this->getDeprecatedLines($convertedFile);
if (!empty($notConverted)) {
foreach ($notConverted as $line) {
echo " - Failed to convert line $line in $file" . PHP_EOL;
echo " ? $file is not fully converted." . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo "+ $file successfully converted." . PHP_EOL;
if (!rename($convertedFile, $file)) {
$this->fatalError("Failed to replace $file with $convertedFile", $convertedFile);
private function getDeprecatedLines(string $file): array
$output = [];
$escapedFile = escapeshellarg($file);
exec("$this->php -d error_reporting=E_ALL -l $escapedFile 2>&1", $output, $ret);
if ($ret !== 0) {
foreach ($output as $string) {
echo '> ' . $string . PHP_EOL;
$this->fatalError("Processing of file $file is failed");
$output = array_filter($output, fn($line) => preg_match('/Deprecated: +Array and string/i', $line) !== 0);
array_walk($output, function (&$line) { $line = (int)trim(strrchr($line, ' ')); });
return $output;
private function writeConverted(array $tokens, string $original): string
do {
$outputFileName = $original . mt_rand(0, 1000);
} while (is_file($outputFileName));
$outputFile = fopen($outputFileName, 'wb');
if (!$outputFile) {
$this->fatalError("Cannot create temp file $outputFileName");
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
if (is_array($token)) {
fwrite($outputFile, $token[1]);
} else {
fwrite($outputFile, $token);
return $outputFileName;
private function backup(string $file, string $convertedFile): void
if ($this->backupDir) {
$backupFileName = $this->backupDir . str_replace($this->dir, '', $file);
if (!is_dir(pathinfo($backupFileName, PATHINFO_DIRNAME))) {
if (!mkdir(pathinfo($backupFileName, PATHINFO_DIRNAME), 0777, true)) {
$this->fatalError("Failed to create directory tree for $backupFileName", $convertedFile);
if (!rename($file, $backupFileName)) {
$this->fatalError("Failed to backup $file into $backupFileName", $convertedFile);
private function actualTokens(array $tokens): array
$result = [];
$inString = false;
$depth = 0;
foreach ($tokens as $key => $token) {
if ($token === '"') {
$inString = !$inString;
$tokenStr = null;
if ($token === '{' || $token === '}') {
$tokenStr = $token;
} else if (is_array($token) && ($token[1] === '${' || $token[1] === '{' || $token[1] === '->')) {
$tokenStr = $token[1];
if ($tokenStr !== null) {
if ($inString) {
if ($tokenStr === '}') {
if ($depth === 0) {
continue; // ignore outer closing brace
} else {
if ($depth === 1) {
continue; // ignore outer opening brace
$result[$key] = $tokenStr;
return $result;
* @return int[] | null
private function findPair(array $tokens): ?array
if (count($tokens) < 2) {
return null;
$last = '';
$lastKey = 0;
foreach ($tokens as $key => $token) {
if ($token === '{' && $last === '->') {
if (($last === '{' || $last === '${') && $token === '}') {
return [$lastKey, $key];
} else {
$last = $token;
$lastKey = $key;
return null;
private function validNext(array $tokens, int $index, int $endIndex): bool
if ($tokens[$index] === '}') {
return false; // empty block
$hasNonTrivialTokens = false;
while ($index < $endIndex) {
if ($tokens[$index] === ';') {
return false; // array/string offset accesses can't contain semicolon
if (!is_array($tokens[$index]) || !in_array($tokens[$index][0], $trivialTokens, true)) {
$hasNonTrivialTokens = true;
return $hasNonTrivialTokens;
private function fatalError(string $text, string $file = ''): void
if ($file) {
if ($this->diffContent !== '') {
die($text . PHP_EOL);
private function diff(string $file, string $convertedFile): void
if (!$this->diff) {
$original = fopen($file, 'rb');
$converted = fopen($convertedFile, 'rb');
$i = 1;
$this->diffContent .= "file: $file" . PHP_EOL;
while (($line = fgets($original)) !== false) {
$newLine = fgets($converted);
if ($line !== $newLine) {
$this->diffContent .= $i . 'c' . $i . PHP_EOL;
$this->diffContent .= "< $line";
$this->diffContent .= '---' . PHP_EOL;
$this->diffContent .= "> $newLine" . PHP_EOL;
private function writeDiff(): void
if ($this->diff === true) {
echo $this->diffContent;
} else if ($this->diff !== false) {
file_put_contents($this->diff, $this->diffContent);
public function __destruct()
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When you update to php 8 you get a lot of error i had this problem i tried to fix them manually but every time a get new ones you can use rector to upgrade your project:
You can downgrade your site in bluehost to php 7.4 temporarily but it's best to use the new wordpress version an migrate your projet.

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zwerch commented Dec 12, 2023

This script saved me a lot of work, thanks for sharing!

One special case needed manual work, though, $ab->cd{123}.

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