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Created January 23, 2014 08:07
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Defines a simple event handler system similar to that used in C#. Events make it easier to decouple functional code from GUI code by allowing functional code to tell other code something has happened without knowing beforehand who might be listening.
Defines a simple event handler system similar to that used in C#.
import weakref
import inspect
import maya.utils
class Event( object ):
Simple event handler, similar to the standard c# event pattern
sample usage:
test = Event()
> def a ( *args, **kwargs ):
print "A", args, kwargs
> test += a;
> test( 'arg1', 'arg2', e="fred" )
A ('arg1', 'arg2') {'e': 'fred', 'event': <Event object at 0x00000000026892E8>}
the handlers are stored as weakrefs, so they will not keep their referents alive if those referents exists
in no other scope. The event will silently ignore expired references. For example:
> ev = Event()
> def test(*args, **kwargs):
> print "hello world"
> ev += test
> ev()
hello world
> test = None
> ev()
Handlers must exhibit the *args, **kwargs signature. It's the handler's job to decide what to do with
them but they will be passed. Use the Notification object to add a dummy args/kwargs wrapper to a
callable which takes no arguments
The class supports __iter__ and len, so you can find out the number of active handlers:
> handle_count = len(eventObject)
Iterating over the class returns the original referents, _not_ the weakrefs -- if you need to keep those
alive you can collect them and keep the refs for yourself.
> handle_objects = [i for i in eventObject]
def __init__( self ):
self._Handlers = set()
'''Set list of handlers callables. Use a set to avoid multiple calls on one handler'''
def _addHandler( self, handler ):
Add a handler callable. Raises a ValueError if the argument is not callable
if not callable( handler ): raise ValueError( "Handler argument must be callable" )
code = handler
if hasattr(code, '__call__') and not inspect.isfunction(code):
code = handler.__call__
argspec = inspect.getargspec(code)
if (not argspec.varargs or not argspec.keywords):
raise ValueError( "Handler argument must accept *args and **keywordArgs" )
self._Handlers.add( weakref.ref(handler) )
return self
def _removeHandler( self, handler ):
Remove a handler. Ignores handlers that are not present.
delenda = []
for h in self.list_handlers():
if h() == handler:
self._Handlers = self._Handlers.difference(set(delenda))
return self
def _fire( self, *args, **kwargs ):
Call all handlers. Any decayed references will be purged.
kwargs['event'] = self
delenda = []
for handler in self._Handlers:
h = handler()
if h:
h( *args, **kwargs )
self._Handlers = self._Handlers.difference(set(delenda))
def _handlerCount ( self ):
Returns the count of the _Handlers field
return len( [i for i in self._list_handlers()] )
def _list_handlers( self ):
Iterate over all our handlers, yielding the original referents (_not_ the weakrefs stored internally)
for item in self._Handlers:
if item(): yield item()
# hook up the instance methods to the base methods
# doing it this way allows you to override more neatly
# in derived classes
__call__ = _fire
__len__ = _handlerCount
__iadd__ = _addHandler
__isub__ = _removeHandler
__iter__ = _list_handlers
class MayaEvent(Event):
Subclass of event that uses Maya.utils.executeDeferred. Use this if the event handler has to run in the main Maya UI thread
def _fire( self, *args, **kwargs ):
Call all handlers. Any decayed references will be purged.
kwargs['event'] = self
delenda = []
for handler in self._Handlers:
h = handler()
if h:
maya.utils.executeDeferred( h, *args, **kwargs )
self._Handlers = self._Handlers.difference(set(delenda))
__call__ = _fire
class Notification(object):
Wrapper for callables that don't present the *args, **kwargs signature
Calls the function when the event fires, but swallows any args or kwargs
def __init__(self, callable):
self.callable = callable
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
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