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Created November 5, 2021 10:10
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Test Tullio with Kernel Functions
using Tullio
using Distances
using LinearAlgebra
using BenchmarkTools
using CUDA, CUDAKernels, KernelAbstractions
using Functors
using KernelFunctions
using Test
using Functors
struct DotProduct end
(::DotProduct)(x, y) = dot(x, y)
(::SqEuclidean)(x, y) = sum(abs2, x) - 2 * dot(x, y) + sum(abs2, y)
std_pairwise(metric, x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector) = metric.(x, permutedims(y))
std_pairwise(::SqEuclidean, x::ColVecs, y::ColVecs) = sum(abs2, x.X, dims=1) .+ sum(abs2, y.X, dims=1)' .- 2 * x.X' * y.X
std_pairwise(::DotProduct, x::ColVecs, y::ColVecs) = x.X'y.X
Distances.pairwise(m::DotProduct, x, y) = std_pairwise(m, x, y) # Since it's not a correct metric we use the std fallback
tullio_pairwise(metric, x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector) = @tullio K[i, j] := metric(x[i], y[j])
tullio_pairwise(::SqEuclidean, x::ColVecs, y::ColVecs) = @tullio K[i, j] := x.X[k, i] ^ 2 - 2 * x.X[k, i] * y.X[k, j] + y.X[k, j] ^ 2
tullio_pairwise(::DotProduct, x::ColVecs, y::ColVecs) = @tullio K[i, j] := x.X[k, i] * y.X[k, j]
D = 20
N = 1000
Xmat = rand(D, N)
Xcol = ColVecs(Xmat)
Xvec = collect.(eachcol(Xmat))
gpuX = CUDA.rand(D, N)
gpuXcol = ColVecs(gpuX)
gpuXvec = cu.(Xvec)
Ymat = rand(D, N)
Ycol = ColVecs(Ymat)
Yvec = collect.(eachcol(Ymat))
gpuY = CUDA.rand(D, N)
gpuYcol = ColVecs(gpuY)
gpuYvec = cu.(Yvec)
@testset "Test correct implementation" begin
for metric in (SqEuclidean(), DotProduct())
@testset "$(string(metric))" begin
for (X, Y) in zip((Xcol, Xvec), (Ycol, Yvec))
@test pairwise(metric, X, Y) ≈ std_pairwise(metric, X, Y)
@test pairwise(metric, X, Y) ≈ tullio_pairwise(metric, X, Y)
CUDA.allowscalar(false) # Disallow any scalar operations
@testset "GPU" begin
for metric in (SqEuclidean(), DotProduct())
@testset "$(string(metric))" begin
for (X, Y) in zip((gpuXcol, ), (gpuYcol, ))
@test_nowarn std_pairwise(metric, X, Y)
@test_nowarn tullio_pairwise(metric, X, Y)
# @test_nowarn pairwise(metric, X, Y)
results_benchmark = Dict()
for metric in [SqEuclidean(), DotProduct()]
results_benchmark[metric] = Dict()
for type in [:col, :vec]
results_benchmark[metric][type] = Dict()
X = eval(Meta.parse("X$type"))
Y = eval(Meta.parse("Y$type"))
results_benchmark[metric][type][:b_dist] = @benchmark pairwise($metric, $X, $Y)
results_benchmark[metric][type][:b_std] = @benchmark std_pairwise($metric, $X, $Y)
results_benchmark[metric][type][:b_tullio] = @benchmark tullio_pairwise($metric, $X, $Y)
# Prettyyy printing
for metric in [SqEuclidean(), DotProduct()]
println("Testing metric $(metric)")
for type in [:col, :vec]
println("Testing X$type")
for method in [:b_dist, :b_std, :b_tullio]
println("Method $(method)")
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